JAKARTA – Low blood pressure has almost the same symptoms as hypertension or high blood pressure. If you experience it, you will feel dizzy, less fit, blurred vision, lack of energy, and lack of focus until you feel confused.

Normal blood pressure of adults is approximately 120/80 mmHg. When blood pressure drops up to 90/60 mmHg it can be said to have hypotension or low blood pressure. Although certain conditions are not dangerous, but in a study low blood pressure can be caused by anxiety.

For reference, low blood pressure can be caused by several conditions, among others as follows.


This is why it is recommended to drink enough mineral water every day. Because dehydration can be the cause of low blood pressure.

Dehydration can cause the body's cells to lack fluid amounts. The effect of circulation and blood volume is increasingly limited.

Side effects of the drug

If you take certain medications that are antidepressants, beta blockers, and other medications that trigger frequent urination it can cause low blood pressure. Other medications consumed by people with high blood pressure also cause blood pressure to decrease.

Well, to get a definitive description of the medication you are taking, it takes direction and based on a prescription from a doctor.


Allergies are the body's response to foreign substances that enter the body. The effects of allergies can cause low blood pressure, itching, inflammation to respiratory distress.

Low blood pressure triggered by allergies is widely experienced by someone who has a high sensitivity to certain foods, medications and substances.

Strict diet

If you are on a diet, the balance of nutrient intake needs to be maintained. If you miss a little, it can cause problems in the body such as one of them has low blood pressure.

A strict diet can also cause other similar things such as anemia. This means that in the diet you need to sort and consume any food that is able to meet the nutritional needs of the body every day.

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Illustration of dizziness due to low blood pressure (Freepik/wayhomestudio)
Too long standing

The cause of low blood pressure is often experienced by children. Known as neurally mediated hypotension that occurs because the brain experiences errors receiving signals. If you stand for too long, your blood pressure will decrease and you will feel dizzy causing fainting.

Heart problems

Other causes of low blood pressure are heart problems, including too weak heart rate, problematic heart valves, heart failure, and heart attacks. When experiencing such problems, the heart is unable to pump blood to the maximum and results in low tension.


In pregnant women, the circulatory system will expand rapidly. The effect of low blood pressure occurs. The condition is often experienced at 1 to 24 weeks gestation. To overcome this, it is recommended to consult an obstetrician.

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