YOGYAKARTA - Robusta coffee is a coffee variant that is liked by many people. The type of robusta coffee has a strong taste compared to Arabica. This coffee is perfect for those of you who are more fond of bitter taste. So what are the characteristics of robusta coffee?
Coffee robusta is often found at coffee shops or coffee shops. The choice of robusta coffee is usually a favorite menu for visitors to enjoy coffee while hanging out, talking with friends, or workmates.
Although it is very popular in the world of coffee, some novice coffee fans may still not really recognize the character of robusta coffee. Characteristics of robusta coffee can be known from the shape of the seeds and colors of coffee, caffeine content, and taste.
Robusta is a term that comes from the word 'robust' which means'strong'. As the name suggests, robusta coffee has a very strong taste characteristic. robusta coffee offers a bitterer taste than Arabica coffee.
The bitter taste of robust coffee shows that this type of coffee contains less sugar than Arabic coffee. In addition, this coffee also has a higher level of caffeine. Generally, robusta coffee tastes are not very varied and tend to only emit smells like nuts.
Apart from these characteristics, here are the roles of robusta coffee that you need to know:
The robusta coffee beans are characteristic in size and shape. Usually, robusta seeds are smaller than Arabica coffee beans. The shape of the robusta seeds tends to be rounder. In addition, the color of this coffee is like dark chocolate which looks slightly more pale than the color of Arabica beans.
The robusta coffee contains higher caffeine than Arabica coffee. On average, the caffeine content in robusta seeds ranges from 2.7% to 4%. This higher cafe provides a strong stimulant effect.
With a high caffeine content, drinking robusta coffee makes a person more awake and excited. So this drink is very suitable to be enjoyed in the morning or before starting work or doing activities.
The robusta coffee beans have a stronger and more bitter taste than the Arabica coffee beans. The bitter taste in this coffee beans is influenced by the higher caffeine content and the presence of other compounds. robusta coffee is a suitable choice for coffee connoisseurs.
Despite its smaller size, robusta coffee beans have a heavier and thicker body than Arabica seeds. The heavier weight of this coffee beans produces a thicker texture and a little oily in a cup of coffee. That's why this coffee gives a more unique taste in the mouth.
The robusta coffee beans have a high durability to diseases and environmental conditions that are less supportive. This plant can thrive in areas with various conditions, ranging from hot climates, high rainfall is passed, to in underfertile soil.
Those are some of the characteristics of robusta coffee that are important to know for you coffee fans. The characteristics of robusta coffee are a strong and bitter taste compared to Arabica coffee. Also read what is single original coffee and blend.
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