YOGYAKARTA - The difference between asylumilk and hindmilk is the cause of the baby sometimes looking satisfied after breastfeeding, but a few moments later he became fussy again and wanted to breastfeed again.

These two types of breast milk have a complementary role in meeting the nutritional needs of babies. This difference has important implications for the growth and development of babies.

Reporting from the BF Success page, here are some things that need to be considered and are differences in Foremilk and Hindmilk breast milk:

All breast milk is basically the same, with all the same composition. For that, it is better to consider it only as a difference in proportion. Foremilk comes out first during breastfeeding mothers.

Thus, forkmilk is like an opening dish or salad. Light, nutritious, refreshing, and providing good hydration. Because it is more dilute, the main task is to quench the baby's thirst.

Foremilk is also the richest in lactose, the natural sugar found in milk. In addition, this milk is also rich in protein, vitamins, and other healthy and important components.

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High levels of lactose give babies a quick energy boost at the start of breastfeeding so they can start well and then continue to breastfeed until the end.

In addition, the Foremilk color may appear turquoise or dilute. The Foremilk comes out first because it is thinst and the easiest to get out.

As breastfeeding continues, milk will change by becoming more fatty and thicker. When babies need to start working extra hard to emit thicker milk, they have a lot of energy to continue breastfeeding due to Foremilk.

When a baby continues to breastfeed, its fat and calories content will gradually begin to increase. At the end of breastfeeding, milk is generally thicker and has higher fat content.

Higher fat content in hindmilk contributes to the overall calorie intake of babies and helps babies gain weight.

In addition, richer milk also helps babies feel full and remain satisfied longer.

Hindmilk also has many components that are the same as Foremilk, with the addition of more essential fats needed for brain development, immune system support, and overall growth of the nervous system.

The milk changes depending on each breast and every baby. Some babies can breastfeed very quickly and efficiently, but others take longer.

Sometimes there are a lot of formals, and sometimes very few. It depends on breastfeeding mothers. But it can also depend on how long it has been since your baby's last breastfeeding.

Then even though it's very rare, there are some cases where there is a true imbalance between Foremilk and Hindmilk. When a baby gets more formilk than the normal number, the baby may get too much lactose.

Thus, it does not mean that babies are intolerant of lactose, it's just that they get too much and more than their bodies can digest well.

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