JAKARTA - Celebrity Maya Septha recounted that she had just undergone a jawOVER in Korea. He said that this operation lasted more or less 10 hours.

Now, Maya herself is recovering, which according to her is very difficult to do. Because it is difficult for him to chew food.

"I will not cover up this. I think the recovery of full face contraction operations is difficult," wrote Maya Septha, quoted by VOI from Instagram @mayaseseptha7, Friday, October 25.

"You can only eat liquid for 2 weeks. At least 1 week because you can't use chewing. Drinking is difficult," he added.

As a result, Maya Septha almost fell unconscious due to limited nutritional intake that entered her body.

"Imagine that the recovery will become weak due to limited nutritional intake. On the 5th day yesterday I almost fainted. Even though I had to walk a lot so that the swelling fell quickly," said Maya Septha.

Maya explained that this was indeed a procedure recommended by the doctor because his jaw was sewn up to make his gums swollen.

"My swelling was one face because there were many procedures, but the heaviest was in the jaw because the stitches were in the mouth and the gum was swollen," he continued.

Not only did Maya Septha almost pass out, but she also experienced sleep shortages after undergoing this operation.

"Bibbles also swell and pull can't be closed. Sleeping is difficult because I like to saliva alone. So I don't sleep enough, I really eat less. Even though I usually eat a lot of high protein," he said.

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