JAKARTA - How to talk turns out to have a big role to play in shaping the impression of others on you. Every conversation that is done, whether with family, friends, or colleagues, can be an opportunity to show the best side of yourself.

There are several ways of talking that can make you look like a fun person and have a positive aura. Check out the following method directly as reported by Global English Editing.

One of the keys for other people to feel comfortable talking to you is the sincere enthusiasm you show. When you speak with enthusiasm, you will radiate positive energy that is able to transmit to your interlocutor.

However, enthusiasm when speaking must be accompanied by sincere feelings, don't overdo it and seem fake. Sincere in speaking and responding so that the conversation feels natural and fun.

Fertilizing a conversation with intelligent humor will make the atmosphere more fluid and fun. Humor can relieve tensions and make your interlocutor more relaxed.

However, keep in mind that using good humor does not offend other people or things that are sensitive and personal. If you can make other people laugh in a positive way, they will prefer to interact with you.

When interacting with other people not only talk, but also listen. Listening well is one way to win the hearts of others.

When you give a good attention when someone talks, they will feel appreciated. This will make them feel at home to talk to you for a long time.

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