JAKARTA - Celebrity Sandra Dewi was again summoned to be a witness in the trial of the alleged corruption case of PT. Timah by her husband, Harvey Moeis.

In this trial, Sandra Dewi said that of the 141 gold items confiscated by the Indonesian Attorney General's Office, only one was given by Harvey Moeis.

"There is one before getting married. There is one Tiffany necklace. The key one time," said Sandra Dewi at the Central Jakarta Corruption Court, Monday, October 21.

Hearing this, Harvey Moeis confirmed this. He even said that his wife had scolded him by his wife for gold.

The reason is, according to Sandra Dewi, she can get gold jewelry from endorsement results.

"So I keep buying it, Your Majesty, he said 'what do you buy'. (he said) he could get it for free, don't waste money, he said, Your Honor," said Harvey.

Furthermore, the judge asked about the origin of the 140 gold items owned by Sandra Dewi. The mother of the two children said that it was the result of an endorsement.

"There are 71 of my ads, Your Majesty, Sandra Dewi Gold has been in my contract for six years," Sandra replied.

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