JAKARTA - The story of a man in Japan has gone viral because he has 4 wives and 2 girlfriends. The man aspires to have 54 children. In addition, the man also wants to call himself the "wedding god".

Reporting from the South China Morning Post page, a man named Ryuta Watanabe who lives north of Prefecture, Hokkaido. Every day, you could say he's just unemployed. Because he hasn't worked for 10 years.

Ryuta has been living on the salaries of her wives and girlfriends. Household spending of nearly 914,000 yen or Rp92 million per month is obtained from the distribution between her wife and girlfriend.

Currently Watanabe is the father of 10 children. He lives with his two children and three wives. Based on reports from Shueisha Online Japan, his fourth wife no longer lives with him.

In the household, Watanabe serves as homework. He does tasks such as cooking, washing, cleaning the house, and taking care of his children.

"I only love women. As long as we love each other, there will be no problem." he said when he was present on Japanese TV show Abema Prime.

Watanabe also said that each of his wives had her own room, and she took turns sleeping with a different wife every night.

Watanabe admitted to having sex more than 28 times a week. He said his wife was never jealous, on the contrary they got along like friends.

Watanabe wants to break the record for being the father who has the most children in Japan. In fact, he wants to be called the "Dewa of Marriage".

I want to have 54 children so my name will be recorded in history. I'm still looking for a new wife," he said.

So far, polygamy marriages are still considered illegal in Japan. That means Watanabe cannot marry many women at once. The Watanabe family lifestyle, which is not generally attracting attention on social media.

"Her children will never be able to have close relationships with dad, because their numbers are too large," wrote one YouTube user.

"I will never let my own children end up like this guy," said another YouTube user.

They look like happy families. Respect their choice. continued other users.

To fulfill his goal, he is currently looking for two other women who are known through social media. Previously, he was depressed because he was slapped by other girlfriends. Now

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