JAKARTA - In general, bad habits will have negative effects if they are carried out continuously. However, scientifically there are seven bad habits that are good for health. This means you don't need to feel guilty if you do the bad habits below.


Researchers from the University of California found that gossip can reduce stress, even if it takes up productive time and distorts relationships with other people this habit is still bad.

Based on this research, the habit of talking about other people actually makes a person pay more attention to others. Expressing concern in a group, such as a work team, by gossiping can build healthy relationship dynamics as long as you know where the boundaries are.

Lie down

Every night, people spend only a few hours sleeping. Sleep activity is related to the production of the hormones ghrelin and leptin.

Having more hours of sleep means that ghrelin decreases and increases leptin. Ghrelin is a hormone that suppresses appetite. Meanwhile, leptin stimulates appetite. Both are appetite control hormones. So taking the day off to sleep is not wrong.

The bed is falling apart

An untidy bed can actually minimize allergies. When folding blankets and tidying the sheets it is thought to be a comfortable place for mites and bacteria to breed in the folds. So, you don't need to make your bed every day.

Don't shower every day

Not taking a shower because coming home late is not a bad thing. Because soaps that contain chemicals and hot water can reduce the skin's natural moisture.

A short shower is the best option. Meanwhile, skipping a shower once in a while can actually increase the production of oil that moisturizes the skin.

Farting and belching

Farting and belching carelessly are considered impolite. That means having to put in a position so as not to be embarrassing.

The sound the body makes through farting and belching is an effect of the digestive system. In fact, if you don't fart or burp it indicates that your digestive system is unhealthy.


Daydreaming can take up a third of your life time. If you think that daydreaming is a habit of lazy people, then it is wrong. A study reported by Allwomenstalk, Monday, April 5, shows that a special network in the brain that is already very active works when we daydream.

kebiasaan buruk tapi sehat
Dreamy illustration (Unsplash / Andrew Neel)

This area of the brain will be more active if you daydream rather than doing everyday tasks. The positive side of daydreaming can enable a person to distract from serious problems. Daydreaming can also remind you of other goals so you don't easily forget those goals.

Play the game

It is scientifically proven that playing games is a therapy. The game can be a pain reliever for people suffering from back pain and burn victims. Psychologists refer to games as cognitive distraction.

An exciting and interesting game can divert the pain. Other studies have also found that play can improve reactions to events and improve hand-eye coordination.

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