JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Menparekraf/Kabaparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno launched master plan documents for tourist attractions for four tourist destinations in four areas that are included in priority destinations.

These tourist destinations include DTW Tekanan Telu Waterfall in Tomohon City which is a buffer for the Likupang Super Priority Destination (DSP); DTW Cemara Shiu Geopark Rinjani in East Lombok Regency which supports the Mandalika DSP; also the Dodola Island DTW in Morotai Island Regency which is part of the Morotai Priority Destination. DTW Kumala Island in Kutai Kartanegara Regency which is a buffer zone for IKN;

Menparekraf Sandiaga in "The Final Episode of Weekly Brief With Sandi Uno" at Sapta Pesona Building, Jakarta, Monday (14/10/2024), said the master plan of tourist attractions that have been compiled since May 2024 is expected to create quality and sustainable destinations.

"Our hope is to continue to develop this master plan, and I appreciate a team of experts from Sam Ratulangi University Manado, De La Salle Manado Catholic University, Mataram University, West Nusa Tenggara, and P2Par ITB, as well as local governments and private parties who contribute to the preparation of this master plan," said Menparekraf Sandiaga.

Head of the Center for Tourism Planning and Development, Bandung Institute of Technology, Budi Faisal, said that the master plan preparation process was carried out by involving the central government, provincial governments, district/city governments, community leaders, and also business associations.

"That's the most important thing, in the process we involve everything in making this tourism attraction master plan," said Budi.

Acting Regent of East Lombok, Muhammad Juaini Taofik, conveyed that this master plan of tourist attraction is expected to increase tourist visits in East Lombok.

"We are grateful, once our area was designated as a super priority destination, from the statistics of tourist visits in 2023 it was 53 thousand more. Now at the end of September, we have reached 94 thousand more extraordinary visits. Alhamdulillah, with the final master plan, this will be more enthusiastic to increase it," said Taofik.

Taofik will take advantage of this tourism attractive masterplan for the development of the Cemara Shiu tourist facility, as an effort to develop Geopark Rinjani to create quality, competitive and sustainable tourism destinations.

Rinjani is part of a geopark for the development of nature-based tourism, culture. So we are committed to utilizing this masterplan for the development of tourist facilities in Cemara Shiu, "said Taofik

Acting Mayor of Tomohon, Fereydy Kaligis, said that with this master plan of tourist attraction, the Tomohon City government will focus on providing facilities that support the Tekaan Telu Waterfall area.

"We plan to collaborate with the private sector to provide existing facilities, and of course the Tomohon City government supports them. This area has potential because it is also close to the catchment area (water catchment area) from the city of Tomohon, whose view is Manado City Bay," said Fereydy.

Fereydy also plans to make tourist destinations in Tomohon City that are environmentally friendly and also sustainable.

And also for people with disabilities friendly. Because we plan if possible, the soil structure will make the cable car so that (friends) with disabilities can enjoy it. So it is inclusive, inclusive destinations," said Fareydy.

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