JAKARTA - The active role of parents in providing stimulation to children is very important to prevent delays in speech or speech delays.

The stimulation in question can be in the form of direct interaction with children, such as inviting them to talk to play together.

"Parents or main caregivers need to regularly interact directly with their children, for example by inviting them to speak, so that their children's language skills develop optimally and do not experience delays in speaking," said Dr. Piprim Basarah Yanuarso, Sp.A(K), Chairman of the IDAI Central Management, as quoted by Antara.

This stimulation, according to Piprim, is in the form of a pattern of principle, compassion, and parenting that is applied in everyday life. This pattern is believed to be able to optimally support children's growth and development, including the development of their speech skills.

He added that the stimulation of speech skills can be done using simple words and daily interactions so that children are used to hearing and responding to words.

In addition, giving love wholeheartedly and implementing a healthy parenting pattern, such as meeting nutritional needs and balanced nutrition, is needed to support children's development as a whole.

Piprim also reminded parents not to rely on the use of gadgets as a diversion of children's attention. He emphasized that direct interaction between parents and children is very important to build strong emotional ties.

"Giving a device can indeed make children calmer and less disturbing, but this can have a negative impact on their social development and speech skills," he explained.

On the same occasion, Dr. Fitri Hartanto, Sp.A(K), a member of the Development Growth Coordination Unit and IDAI Social Pediatri, emphasized that the pattern of principle, compassion, and parenting has a significant influence on the development of children's speech skills.

According to Fitri, the first 1000 days of life are a crucial period for the development of children's brain cells. In this phase, brain development reaches around 25 percent, and at the age of 0-2 years, the child's brain develops by 80 percent. Therefore, appropriate stimulation is needed in this period.

"In this phase, children's sensory cells develop rapidly. This will determine how they respond to the surrounding environment and communicate," he explained.

Furthermore, Fitri suggested that the stimulation of speech begin early through stages of introduction, understanding, and pronunciation. Language recognition can be done through the sense of hearing, vision, and touch.

Direct interactions without the assistance of electronic media are also recommended that children focus on the process of learning languages.

"The use of electronic devices should be limited, because children are often more interested in the media than in the learning process," said the doctor who graduated from Diponegoro University.

Finally, Fitri reminded the importance of periodic monitoring of children's development. If delays are found in speech skills that are not in accordance with the age of children, parents are advised to immediately consult with experts.

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