JAKARTA - Happy news came from the youngest child of President Joko Widodo, namely Kaesang Pangarep. His wife, Erina Gudono, gave birth to their first child at the Mother and Child Hospital (RSIA), Central Jakarta, on Tuesday, October 15, 2024.

It is known that Erina Gudono gave birth to their first child who was female by caesarean section. She is currently recovering after surgery.

Through his Instagram upload, Kaesang Pangarep praised Erina Gudono for struggling to give birth to their daughter named Bebingah Sang Tansayu. Kaesang revealed what happened to Erina at the end of her pregnancy.

Kaesang said that at the end of her pregnancy, Erina Gudono often contracted. He also lacks sleep because he has to study online at the University of Pennsylvania, which has a time difference with Indonesia.

"Pelut is getting bigger, contractions are getting more frequent and sleep hours are often cut due to differences in college time, but the spirit of sister is never receding at all," wrote Kaesang Pangarep.

Kaesang then admitted that he was proud to see Erina Gudono's struggle, who continued to pursue knowledge in the midst of her pregnancy.

"Stay in college, keep fighting, future mother and warrior of knowledge. Mas is very proud of you, deck," concluded Kaesang Pangarep.

Meanwhile, it is known that Erina Gudono herself had to give birth by caesarean method because the size of the baby was quite large. The sixth grandson of President Joko Widodo was born weighing 3.4 kg and a length of 50 cm.

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