YOGYAKARTA - There are some people who have allergies to nuts. Nut allergies are the immune system's response to the protein contained in the beans. A peanut allergy is a kind of food allergy that is quite serious under certain conditions. Regarding this, many questions are true 'can peanut allergies cause death?'.

Every year, thousands of people around the world experience severe allergic reactions after eating nuts. Alenergies of nuts can cause severe reactions or serious problems that have the potential to be life-threatening. This health problem is known as anaphylaxis.

Maybe some people don't know much about what anaphylaxis is. Let's understand more about the symptoms of anaphylaxis and why peanut allergies can cause death.

An allergy of nuts is an immune system reaction to proteins found in nuts. Beans that commonly cause allergies include peanuts and tree beans, such as almonds, walnuts, Hazelnuts, and cashews. Although both come from different food groups, the allergic reactions they cause can have similar impacts.

When a person with a peanut allergy consumes a peanut or a product containing a peanut, the immune system identifies the protein as a harmful substance. The body will respond by releasing histaminas and other chemicals. This response can cause various symptoms, ranging from mild to severe ones.

Symptoms of peanut allergies can vary from individual to individual. Symptoms of this allergy can also appear in a few minutes to a few hours after exposure. Some of the common symptoms include:

The above symptoms can develop into anaphylaxis which is a more serious allergic reaction and requires immediate medical attention.

Anaphylaxis is a very serious and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. In anaphylaxis cases, allergic reactions can cause drastic drop in blood pressure, respiratory tract swelling, and difficulty breathing. If not treated quickly, anaphylaxis can lead to death.

It is important to recognize the following anaphylaxis signatures:

Prevention measures are an important step for someone who has a peanut allergy. Here are some steps that can be taken to prevent an allergic reaction to nuts:

That's the explanation of is it true that peanut allergies can cause death? Nut allergies can be life-threatening if they occur with more serious symptoms, namely anaphylaxis. Good understanding of symptoms, risks, and preventive measures is needed for individuals who have these allergies. Also read the difference between allergies and food intolerance.

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