YOGYAKARTA - Animals on Earth can be found in various types. Not only animals that live on land, but also various animal species that live in the sea or can fly in the air. So what are the most animal species on earth?

Our Earth is home to extraordinary biodiversity, including various animal species scattered all over the world. Each ecosystem has its own unique species, ranging from those that live in the deep seas, dense forests, vast deserts, to high mountains.

Knowing the most animal species on earth is an interesting knowledge. Check out the following article to find out what animals are with the most species.

riks is the most animal group on Earth. It is estimated that there are about 10 million insect species that have been identified and there may be more than 30 million species that have not been found. Animals that fall into the category of insects, such as butterflys, beetles, ants, and flies.

The success of insects as a group of animals can be attributed to several factors, such as their ability to adapt to various environments, fast life cycles, and the ability to reproduce in large quantities. For example, an ant queen can lay up to thousands of eggs every day.

Fish are the second most animal species on Earth with more than 34,000 species identified. They can be found in almost all aquatic habitats, from rivers, lakes, to oceans.

Fish have various shapes, sizes, and behaviors that allow them to adapt to different environmental conditions. salmon, for example, is known for their long migration.

With about 10,000 recognized species, birds are a highly varied group of animals. They can be found in almost every ecosystem, from tropical rainforests to arid deserts.

Birds have the ability to fly that gives them advantages in finding food and avoiding predators. Bird diversity is also seen in their behavior and adaptation, such as migration, climate adjustment, and the way they seek food.

Reptiles also have more than 10,000 different species. Animals in this species include snakes, lizards, turtles, and crocodiles. Reptiles are usually found in land habitats and freshwater, as well as many of them have unique adaptations to survive in different environments.

Although the number of species is less than other groups, mammals are recorded to have about 6,400 identified species. Mamalia has a variety of sizes and shapes, ranging from small mice to giant blue whales.

Animal mammals also have the characteristics of having a milk gland, which allows females to breastfeed their young. The adaptation of mammals to their environment varies, such as the ability to fly in bats or the ability to live in water in dolphins.

Amphibs have more than 7,000 species. Animals that fall into the amphibious category are like frog, satangander, and triton. They usually live in two habitats, namely on land and water. Amphibis have a unique life cycle that begins with the larva stage to adulthood.

The existence of amphibians is very important for the ecosystem because they act as indicators of environmental health. They are also an important part of the food chain, both as predators and prey.

Those are some of the most animal species on earth. Each species has an important role in ecosystems and interacts with each other in complex ways. Unfortunately, many animal species are threatened with extinction due to human activities, such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change. Also read the list of protected rare animals that are prohibited from being kept.

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