JAKARTA - Based on the 2020 Total Diet Survey (SDT), as many as 66.8 percent of Indonesian children still consume breakfast with low nutritional quality. Complete nutritious breakfast has not become a habit for most Indonesian children.

Complete and balanced nutritional intake, containing carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, fiber to essential minerals, will help improve brain function so that children can concentrate more and achieve optimal learning achievements.

Responding to this, dr. Kurniawan Satria Denta, MSc, Sp.A stated, The optimal development of children requires synergy between complete nutrition and proper stimulation," explained dr. Kurniawan Satria Denta in the Sudirman area, Central Jakarta, Thursday, October 10.

"Equilibrium nutritional intake supports physical and brain development, while optimal stimulation according to age and child potential will help strengthen children's cognitive, physical, and personal social abilities. Both must go hand in hand to ensure children grow and develop optimally according to their potential," he added.

Nutrition and the habit of having breakfast children also cannot be separated from the role of parents. Parents have an important role in shaping children's eating habits, including healthy breakfast habits.

Parents who are involved in preparing food and providing complete nutritious breakfast can increase their child's nutritional intake.

Jessica Iskandar emphasized the importance of complete nutritious breakfast for children, "As a mother, I really understand that sometimes we think that a full breakfast is enough, even though breakfast must also be complete nutritious. Here, the role of parents is very important in ensuring that children get a complete nutritious breakfast that contains carbohydrates, protein, fiber, minerals, and vitamins that are enough to help children grow healthy and ready to face their daily challenges," said Jessica Iskandar.

"Because not only his mother, now children are also equally busy, so we as parents must be creative in presenting breakfast that is not only filling, but the nutrition is also complete," he continued.

Salah satu pilihan menu sarapan yang berkeliserti lengkap adalah seruma. Seperti yang dijelaskan dalam The Pharma Journal, seruma merupakan salah satu sumber energi utama bagi kesehatan.

Both major and minor Goods can be consumed in processed or semi-processed form, often with the addition of other foodstuffs. Cereals contain important nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, fiber, mineral vitamins and milk, both soluble and non-soluble.

Dengan kandungan nutrient tersebut, seruma menjadi pilihan ideal untuk sarapan yang memberikan energi optimal bagi anak-anak sepanjang hari.

This inspires Energen, the brand of Indonesian native milk and Goods drink, to present Energyland, the first interactive educational experience in Indonesia, which is located at fX Sudirman from October 10-13, 2024 and aims to promote the importance of complete nutritious breakfast for Indonesian children.

Arviana Lestari, Senior Marketing Manager of Health Foods, said, Enerland presents an educational arena that is not only fun and fun, but also supports the cognitive development of children. In this arena, visitors can understand that breakfast is not only full but also must be fully nutritious in order to focus on their activities," said Arviana Lestari.

"And Energen is a choice of breakfast that contains complete nutrition, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, vitamins, minerals and milk. Especially now, Energen has a 30 percent advantage, makes children full longer and gets complete nutrition at breakfast," he said.

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