JAKARTA - The public is advised by the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) to dare to report if they know there are indications of violence against children and women.

Quick steps in preventing and handling are considered crucial in order to protect victims and prevent further violence.

"Don't be afraid to report anything suspicious, even if it's just an indication. We need to work together in providing optimal protection for the growth and development of children in Indonesia," said the Chairman of KPAI, Ai Maryati, while visiting the Social Protection House (RPS) of the Tangerang City Social Service, as quoted by Antara.

Maryati also expressed her appreciation to all parties involved in protecting children in Indonesia, especially those related to the handling of cases in Tangerang City.

Starting from receiving reports, investigating cases, to assisting victims and other children, including the ongoing legal process.

"We give appreciation to the Tangerang City Government for their quick response to providing protection to children, including relocation to ensure they get proper protection rights," he added.

Previously, the Minister of Social Affairs, Saifullah Yusuf, also expressed concern over the increasing number of cases of sexual violence and domestic violence (KDRT) against children in the last three years. This, according to him, needs serious attention for all parties to increase supervision.

According to data from KPAI, there were 14,000 cases of violence against children recorded. During the 2021-2023 period, there was an increase in cases that should be of concern to all of us," he explained.

Similar data was also disclosed by the Tangerang City Secretary and the Tangerang Metro Police Chief, who showed a spike in cases of violence against children in recent months.

"Increasing statistics of violence against children needs to be a major concern for the central, regional and related governments," he added.

The head of the Tangerang City DP3AP2KB, Tihar Sopian, explained that since the report was received, the Tangerang City Government has taken quick steps to provide assistance to victims of violence, including cooperation with the Tangerang Metro Police in handling this case.

In addition to conducting an assessment of the victim, the Tangerang City Government has also transferred children who are residents of the orphanage to the Social Service Hospital. There, they underwent health checks and psychological counseling. For five days at the RPS, the children were accompanied by a 24-hour full psychologist to undergo a trauma healing process, "said Tihar.

The Tangerang City Government is also active in collecting population data on these children for further medical examination and documentation of police investigations.

"We are also trying to find their families if it is possible to repatriate the children, or consider other solutions under the supervision of the City Government," he concluded.

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