JAKARTA - Losing weight for some people is not easy.

Weighting that drops after a strict diet must be maintained properly so that it remains stable and does not rise.

Reporting from Medicine Net, there are several tips that can be done to maintain weight after a strict diet. Anything? Check out the following reviews.

1. Eat with a small portion

Even though you don't have a strict diet, just try to eat enough. Eating with a small portion 5 times a day is better than eating a large amount 3 times a day.

By eating a small portion, metabolism will work faster and help control weight. On your daily diet, include spices that can increase metabolism such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and turmeric.

2. Consumption of healthy snacks

If you feel hungry on the sidelines of eating time, don't return to old habits by eating snacks or high-calorie snacks. Keep choosing healthier snacks such as fruit, vegetables, fat-free yogurt, to whole grain biscuits.

3. Drink enough water

Drinking enough water, which is 8 glasses a day is very important to maintain your weight after a strict diet. Sufficient amounts of water helps burn calories and smooths the metabolism, so that weight remains ideal even though it is not on a strict diet.

4. Keep exercising

Keeping exercising is the best way to maintain your new weight. Set aside 30 minutes to exercise every day, and set the sport as a routine that must be done.

5. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep can have a negative impact on overall body health. It also lowers levels of hunger-regulating hormones, ghrelin, so they can make weight out of control. Thus, try to sleep 7-9 hours every night.

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