JAKARTA - Ethical health plays an important role in the overall welfare of the body. This affects everything from digestion to the immune system.

Here are 5 fermented foods that are very good for gut health, as reported by the draxe.com page.

1. Kefir

Kefir is a fermented dairy product (made from cow's milk, goat, or sheep) which tastes like yogurt. The benefits of feasibility include providing vitamin B12, calcium, magnesium, vitamin K2, biotins, folates, enzymes, and high-level probiotics. Defir has been consumed for more than 3,000 years. The term affirmative comes from Russia and Turkey.

2. Kombucha

Kombucha is a fermented drink made from black tea and sugar (from various sources such as sugar cane, fruit, or honey). This drink contains a colony of bacteria and yeast responsible for starting the fermentation process after being mixed with sugar.

Do fermented foods such as kombucha contain alcohol? Kombucha contains little alcohol, but too little to cause poisoning or even tasteless. Other fermented foods, such as yogurt or fermented vegetables, usually contain no alcohol at all.


Kimchi is a Korean fermented dish made from vegetables, including cabbage, plus spices such as ginger, garlic, pepper, and other spices. These foods are often added to Korean recipes such as bowls of rice, ramen, or bibimbap. This food is considered a delicious food for Korea that has existed since the seventh century.

4. Yogurt

Is fermented milk the same as yogurt? The answer is yes. Yogurt and kefir are unique dairy products because of their abundant availability and are one of the best probiotic foods that many people regularly consume.

Probiotic Yogurt is now the most consumed fermented dairy processed product.

5. Tempe

Other useful fermented foods made from soybeans are tempeh, a product made by combining soybeans with tempeh starters (which are a mixture of live mushrooms). If left alone for a day or two, the result is solid products such as cakes that contain probiotics and protein in large quantities. Tempe is similar to to tofu, the difference is non-silent and more grained'.

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