JAKARTA - Sex and malnourished is an act to improve physical happiness, but both also have psychological benefits, especially when you reach orgasm. The chemical floods released in response to sex and orgasm can help you feel better, including increasing mood and lowering anxiety levels.

If you find it difficult to achieve orgasm, look for ways to relax such as overcoming physical problems that may play a role. And take steps to improve sexual well-being can help you enjoy some of the many benefits of orgasm.

Quoted from Very Well Mind, Friday, October 4, there are many benefits of orgasm for mental health. This benefit is related to neurochemicals released by the brain when orgasm occurs.

Dr. Alyssa Dweck, a sexual and reproductive health expert for INTIMINA, said that "Orgasms increase and release dopamine (hormon pleasure), oxytocin (hormon love and hug), and endorphins (natural pain relievers and chemicals that improve well-being) in the brain."

Let's look at the impact of the release of this chemical in relation to psychological conditions.

In the study, orgasm is directly associated with improving sleep quality. Reaching orgasm can improve sleep quality. This is good when you reach orgasm yourself or with your partner. In addition to the mentioned hormones, orgasm releases vasopressin (horm hormone), which goes hand in hand with the production of melatonin sleeping chemicals in your body.

Oxytocin produced by orgasm can make you experience less anxiety afterward. Research has shown that even in tense situations, an increase in the number of oxytocin can relieve the anxiety response. Orgasm also helps stimulate the vagal nerve, which plays an important role in eliminating feelings of anxiety.

Each of the main chemicals released during orgasm has a positive impact on happiness. In addition, people involved in sexual activity are more regularly experiencing more happiness in life as a whole. The effect of increasing mood from orgasm can also help overcome feelings of stress and depression.

That is, although pleasure can be lost in the busyness of everyday life. But by having sex, you can again feel happy.

Sex and orgasm can also help increase your intimacy and relationship with your partner. Having emotional closeness is an important part of a healthy relationship. Emotional closeness helps you feel more comfortable, supportive, and stable, which can help make your relationship more harmonious.

Sex, even if done on its own, causes the heart to beat faster, which is the same experience as exercising and helping you stay in better physical condition.

In addition, orgasm causes the body to release dehydroepiadrosteron (DHEA), hormones are produced in adrenal glands related to overall fitness. The body reduces DHEA production as it ages, so increasing production by having an orgasm can help overcome it.

That's it

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