YOGYAKARTA Aerobics are activities or exercises that combine strength and stretching with rhythmic movements. In general, aerobic activity helps increase efficiency in the use of oxygen and cardiovascular work of the body. Aerobic activities for children include running, jumping ropes, rollerblading or skateboarding, cycling, dancing, climbing, and playing hula hoods. The benefits of aerobic activity for children that need to be known are parents, this is his explanation.

When doing aerobic activities, oxygen is mostly needed to support the work of the muscles. The rate of breathing then increases, the heart rate is also faster, the results can improve fitness if done regularly. For children, aerobic activities are beneficial for cardiovascular fitness, lower risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Obesity occurs due to eating a lot of calories but low energy burning. Aerobic activity helps burn more calories than light exercise. So with this activity, preventing children from gaining weight and becoming obese.

According to the study, after four weeks of routine aerobic activity to increase the production of frame muscle proteins. This means that aerobics not only help burn piles of calories but also help build muscles. Launching Mom Junction, Wednesday, October 2, aerobic activity also strengthens bones. When you encourage your child to do aerobics, you may help them build stronger bones.

Instead of sitting and playing gadgets, it is better to cut your sitting time to carry out aerobic activities. Because this activity is beneficial for removing toxins in the body through sweat, tears, and urine. That way, the heart is cleaner, skin health increases, and contributes to overall health.

In addition to meeting the needs of vitamins and nutrients from food, it is also important to build immunity with routine aerobic activity. A number of studies show that aerobic training is being related to changing the concentration of white blood cells and antibodies against diseases that play a role in the child's immune level.

Aerobics can be done in groups indoors or outdoors that improve team formation. When your children go to aerobic classes, they will meet many children so that they can develop social skills. It can also build social skills for children who are shy or worried about socializing.

Studying diligently is important, but it must be supported by body fitness that develops bright thoughts. Research has shown that regular aerobics can help children focus more and make them less impulsive. Aerobics also increase the production of neurotropic factors derived from the brain, which is very important for brain cell growth.

Like doing certain hobbies, children can also have fun during aerobic activities. Because during training, children can explore and find many things. Aerobics can start when children are more than six years old.

In addition to the aerobic benefits for children as described above, this activity also helps children continue to carry out physical activities. The reason is, according to research in 2017, the physical activities of children in America, both men and women, decrease every year. Of course, the effect is not only on physical health, but also mental. Therefore, it is important for parents to know the benefits of physical activity in order to encourage children to continue to grow healthy as a whole.

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