YOGYAKARTA - Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) are a form of employment status in Indonesia as regulated in Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus (ASN). PPPK is presented as a solution to strengthen public service areas by relating professional workers, both in the fields of education, health, and other sectors.

One of the problems that often arise is regarding the details of PPPK salaries. To answer this issue, it is important to master several aspects that include components of salary, allowances, and other factors that affect the amount of income of a PPPK.

PPPK Salary Component

PPPK salaries are regulated based on Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 98 of 2020 concerning Salaries and PPPK Allowances. In this regulation, the basic salary of PPPK is determined according to the class and working period. There are several groups for PPPK, ranging from Group I to Group XVII. The amount of basic income of PPPK varies, depending on the class and position held by each employee.

The following are details of the basic salary of PPPK based on the group:

Group I: IDR 1,794,900 IDR 2,686,200

Group II: IDR 1,960,200 IDR 2,843,900

Group III: IDR 2,043,200 IDR 2,964,200

Group IV: IDR 2,129,500 IDR 3,089,600

Group V: IDR 2,325,600 IDR 3,879,700

Group VI: IDR 2,539,700 IDR 4,043,800

Group VII: IDR 2,647,200 IDR 4,124,900

Group VIII: IDR 2,759,100 IDR 4,393,100

Group IX: IDR 2,966,500 IDR 4,872,000

Group X: IDR 3,091,900 IDR 5,078,000

Group XI: IDR 3,222,700 IDR 5,292,800

Group XII: IDR 3,359,000 IDR 5,516,800

Group XIII: IDR 3,501,100 IDR 5,750,100

Group XIV: IDR 3,649,200 IDR 5,993,300

Group XV: IDR 3,803,500 IDR 6,246,900

Group XVI: IDR 3,964,500 IDR 6,511,100

Group XVII: IDR 4,132,200 IDR 6,786,500

Sourced from this list, it can be seen that the basic income range of PPPK ranges from Rp. 1,794,900 to Rp. 6,786,500, depending on the class and working period that has been taken. This income is obtained by PPPK as a form of compensation for the services they provide as government employees who are employed with certain contracts.

PPPK Allowance

Not only basic salary, PPPK is also entitled to receive allowances, the amount of which depends on the position and area where they work. Some of the allowances received by PPPK are similar to the allowances received by Civil Servants (PNS), although there are several differences in the details. Some types of allowances that will be received by PPPK employees include:

Differences In Salaries Of PPPK And Civil Servants

Although PPPK and civil servants are both State Civil Apparatus (ASN), there are several differences between their payroll. One of the main differences is that PPPK does not accept pensions such as civil servants. This is due to the status of PPPK who work based on contract agreements, while civil servants are permanently employed until retirement.

However, in terms of basic salary and allowances, PPPK obtains treatment that is almost the same as civil servants. The basic salary of PPPK is determined based on the class and position, as well as the kind of civil servant, as well as the allowances received are also comparable. The government has determined that the salary and allowances of PPPK must be fair and in accordance with the contributions made by employees in carrying out their duties.

Talking About PPPK, There Are Conditions For PPPK To Increase Periodic Salary, Here!

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