YOGYAKARTA Basic Competency Selection (SKD) is the first test that must be followed by CPNS selection participants after passing the administrative selection. Check out the tips for working on the 2024 CPNS SKD in the following review.

According to Antara, the 2024 CPNS SKD test is scheduled to take place from October 16 to November 14, 2024, or after the rebuttal period ends. The schedule for the 2024 SKD announcement can vary in each agency.

When working on the SKD, each participant will be given 100 minutes to complete 110 questions which are divided into three categories, namely 30 questions regarding the national insight test (TWK), 35 points regarding general intelligence tests (TIU), and 45 items regarding personal characteristics tests (TKP).

Compiled from various sources, here are some tips for working on the 2024 CPNS SKD that you can do so that the test runs smoothly and successfully.

CPNS selection participants were only given less than a minute to work on one SKD issue. Because the time is quite short, participants should not panic so they are not blank when working on SKD issues.

Relaxing and calm are the best keys to working on SKD CPNS issues. If you have done thorough preparation, then you can definitely do this SKD test quickly and accurately.

By knowing the threshold value or the passing grade of each category of questions, you can predict the minimum limit of what questions are answered correctly.

For TWK, the threshold value is 65 or 43.3 percent, then the TIU grade passing is 80 or 45.7 percent, while the TKP passing grade test is 166 or 73.8 percent.

In the first 25 minutes, do the TKP first. Don't rush to be able to solve the problem accurately.

Finish all the TKP questions as many as 45 points without being vacated. Because, for this matter there is no value that is 0, everyone has a weight of each value.

After finishing working on the TKP, the 2024 CPNS selection participants are advised to switch to the National Insight Test (TWK). Solve this matter with 25 minutes and first pass questions that confuse you.

Make sure you answer at least 20 questions correctly. Shoot the answer if you don't know at all without wasting time.

Next, do it with TIU with a time limit of 40 minutes. Use that time to answer 20 questions correctly. Start by working on the easiest problem.

Use the last 10 minutes remaining time to fill in unanswered questions. Try not to get any blank or unanswered questions so that you get a weight of value.

During the selection process, take care of your physical and mental health. It's useless, if you have done thorough preparations, but because you don't take care of your health, you actually fall ill when the test takes place.

This is information about tips on working on the 2024 CPNS SKD. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.

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