JAKARTA - Pedestrians are apparently not just an interior seating or sweetener in spatial planning. Far from the 4th century, why it has become a work of art and has an invaluable element of strong culture. Sprinkles can be a collection of stunning art and provide knowledge about the character of weaving, design, and lifestyle.

In a discussion entitled Maintaining Culture and The Arts of Persia in Indonesia, Persian Studies Expert as well as Lecturer of Arabic Literature, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIB-UI), Bastian Zulyeno, Ph.D., said the oldest Persian handcraft art in the world.

Any art of society has its roots in the customs and traditions of the people, which are refined over time. Carpets are one of the most important symbols of taste, art, and beauty of the Persian people. The abstract and charming motifs are not just colorful patterns to fill empty spaces, but every line and color in each twist is a symbol of meaning from the Eastern concept," said Bastian Zulyeno when met at the Alhamd Carpet boutique, in the Radio Dalam area, South Jakarta, Thursday, September 26.

The oldest Persian hand-weaving carpet was discovered in 1949 during a second-stage excavation by Russian archaeologist Rudienko in the Pazyryk, Siberia region and named the Pazyryk carpet. In a book he published in Russia in 1953, Rudenko wrote a detailed explanation of the carpet that was not covered up and clearly stated that it was the work of Persian weaving as well as the oldest carpet in the world.

The history of this carpet can be seen from the shape of the horse's rider. The way to display the horse on which the carpet is stretched as a substitute for the saddle and the cloth on the chest of the horse is a characteristic of the Ashur/Asiria nation, the Timur Tengan indigenous group in the Mesopotamia region," he added.

The carpet tiles reached a very high level of beauty and engineering. The growth of this industry may coincide with the reign of Ghazan Khan in Persia (1295-1307 AD). However, the peak of the glory of the classic Iranian carpet known as Iran's carpet renaissance was recorded during the Sultanate of Safawi (1499-1722 AD), particularly during the reigns of Syah Tahmasab I (1524-1587 M) and Syah Abbas Kabir. (1587-1629 M). Since this era, about 3000 carpets have been preserved in large world museums or private collections. During this period, carpet royalness centers were built next to the palaces of kings, sepereti in Tabriz, Isfahan, Kashan, Mashhad, Kerman, Joshghan, Yazd, Estrabad, Herat, Shirvan, Karabagh, and Gilan, "he explained.

On the same occasion, Textile Expert and Lecturer of the Art Rupa Prodi Kriya Jakarta Arts Institute (IKJ), Dr. Lucky Wijayanti, M. Sn., said that in its development the carpet was considered a luxury industry.

Carpets seem to represent luxury. In elements of Middle Eastern culture. Permadani is a gift from the male side to the female side. Permadani is a collection of works of art, because: artistic, enchanting, and unique character," said Lucky Wijayanti. He added, Your clothes also have various types and sizes, which also affect functions and philosophy.

Permadani or carpet, larger than the size: 275 x 180 cm. Fanging as a collection and an aesthetic element on the interior. Permadani or small rug, smaller than the size: 275 x 180 cm. serves as a collection. Runners, measuring 90 120 cm x 245 610 cm. function as a floor cover on the interior of the Prayer rugby / prayer mat, measuring 60-120 cm x 120-245cm. Functioning as a collection and base for prayer or prayer (sajada).bags, measuring 60 cm x 120-150 cm. Functioning as a bag to carry items placed on the buttocks back.

Malik Mahbooh Ahmed, one of the Carpet entrepreneurs in Indonesia, explained that his Waking was presented directly from Iran, Pakistan, ahadel made of dyes and natural ingredients such as camel hair, sheep, or goat hair, which has a highly spiritual handmade manufacturing process.

The 'Permadani we import has a very quality and special manufacturing process where workers must be holy from hadas, not say rudely, and be processed by praying for their buyers,' Malik said, while showing off his carpet collection.

So, said Malik, theLAs are privileged and of high quality, with distinctive designs in the style of Islamic countries, which are processed with chanting holy verses of the Koran, and chanting prayers.

To maintain quality and authenticity, Malik Mahbooh Ahmed holds a distribution certificate throughout the world. "We hold a certificate to ensure authenticity," he said.

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