YOGYAKARTA - Jogging is one of the sports that many people love, both because of its simplicity and health benefits. This activity can be done by anyone, anywhere, and does not require special equipment. Many are wondering what is the difference between jogging and running?

In addition to the large number of people who regularly jogging, lately running sports have also become a trend and are increasingly popular among the public. Various running competitions such as marathons or fun runs are often held to accommodate people who like to run.

Although jogging and running looked similar because they both involved running, it turned out that there were some differences between the two. So what are the differences between jogging and running?

Jogging and running are two physical activities that are often considered the same, but actually have quite significant differences. Both provide extraordinary health benefits, but the intensity and goals are different.

Here are the differences in jogging and running that you need to know as a guide for doing sports:

Sports Goals

The goal of someone exercising is also to differentiate between jogging and running. Jogging is often done as a daily fitness activity or to maintain long-term health. People who jogging usually aim to improve heart health, improve fitness, or as a form of relaxation and stress release.

While running is more often done by those who want to achieve certain goals, such as increasing speed and endurance or participating in the race. Running involves more structured and focused training, especially for those who intend to improve physical performance or compete in running events such as marathons or triathlons.


Another difference from jogging and running lies in speed. Jogging is usually done at slower speeds, around 6-8 km/hour. The goal of jogging is to get health benefits slowly and casually, without burdening the body too much.

Due to its low speed, jogging is often considered a lighter sport. That's why this sport is perfect for beginners or those who want to exercise without high intensity.

On the other hand, running has a higher speed than jogging. Usually people run at speeds above 8 km/hour. Running is also more demanding for greater stamina and energy, because the speed and intensity are higher than jogging.

Intensity And Impact On The Body

In addition to the difference in speed, the intensity of exercise is also the difference between jogging and running. Jogging has a lower intensity, so it has a lighter impact on the body. Therefore, jogging is a safer choice for people who have just started exercising or who have problems with joints and muscles.

On the other hand, running is a sport with high intensity that puts a greater burden on muscles, joints, and bones. However, the risk of injury is also higher in running, especially if the running technique used is not appropriate or without sufficient warming.

The Fired Kalori

Run and jogging are both cardiovascular exercises that are good for burning calories. However, the number of calories burned will be different depending on the intensity. Because running is done at a higher speed and intensity, the body will burn more calories in a shorter time than jogging.

In general, running at high speed can burn about 600-800 calories per hour, while jogging only burns about 400-500 calories per hour. But it is important to remember that calorie burning is also influenced by a person's weight, age, and fitness level.

Those are some differences in jogging and running that need to be known to those of you who like to exercise. Although it looks similar, jogging and running have significant differences in terms of speed, intensity, and health benefits. Also read the ideal time for morning running.

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