YOGYAKARTA Arrangement of water conditioning (AC) degrees is sometimes still quite confusing. Because setting the temperature of AC degrees will have an impact on the coolness of a room. For people who are still confusing the temperature setting, they may ask the temperature of AC 30 degrees hot or cold, especially in Indonesia.

It should be noted that the air conditioner temperature that can make room air more comfortable ranges from 22 to 25 degrees Celsius. There are also those that set it lower to 20, but some have raised the temperature to 30 degrees.

When the AC temperature is set at 30 degrees, the air that will blow from the AC's coolness level is not too far from the air from outside. In Indonesia, the average air temperature is 27 degrees Celsius, depending on the area and geographical conditions.

Meanwhile, the normal human body temperature is in the range of 36.5 degrees Celsius. This means that the AC temperature of 30 degrees Celsius is above the average air temperature in Indonesia but below the normal human body temperature. So it can be said that the AC temperature of 30 degrees will not feel cold and tends to be warm because it will only blow a little cold air into the room.

In order to get the right temperature from the air conditioner, there are tips that can be followed. The following tips not only help the room be colder and more comfortable but help AC performance remain smooth.

The comfort that can be obtained through air conditioning is by adjusting the temperature between 22 degrees to 25 degrees. This figure can be reduced again according to various conditions, for example the number of people in the room, the area of the room, and many more. Also know how much the air conditioner temperature is healthy.

The "cool" mode in the AC helps keep the room cool, while the "Auto" mode helps the AC work automatically adjust the room temperature. Both modes can be used according to your needs.

To make coolness more optimal, set the fan (fan speed) at the medium or low level. This arrangement helps the distribution of air more flat. Meanwhile, fans that are too fast will make the room more windy so that the cold air quickly disappears.

When turning on the air conditioner at the ideal temperature, first make sure the hole in the room is tightly closed. Do not open windows, doors, or let the ventilation open. The hole in the room will make cold air flow out and hot air enter.

In the context of conditioning the room, PK is a cooling power unit in the compressor. PK is related to the amount of power needed by AC so that it can work optimally. Adjust PK to room size. Also know how much AC temperature is to save electricity.

That's information regarding the temperature of AC 30 degrees hot or cold. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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