YOGYAKARTA Vegetables are one of the food ingredients from plants. Not only used as food, several vegetables are also needed to produce new products. This is one of the reasons why there are vegetables that are expensive. So what are the most abundant vegetables in the world?

Reporting from the World Metrics website, there are several vegetables that are very expensive on the market. In fact, the price can reach tens of thousands per kilogram. Beirkut is the list of the most expensive vegetables in the world.

Hop shots are young shoots that come from hop plants. These plants are used as raw materials for making beer to produce a soft and delicate taste when consumed.

The young Tunas of hop plants are priced at a very expensive price of Rp. 15 million per pound (0.453592 kg). The price can be very expensive because the shoots grow wildly and are only harvested by farmers manually. The limited production makes the shoots of hops more sought after.

Japanese food, especiallyerates and shashimi, use a lot of wasabi, namely plant roots that are used as spicy spices. The price of this plant raw material is very expensive, ranging from IDR 1 to IDR 3 million per kg depending on the quality.

Wasabi can be very expensive because its planting cannot be done carelessly. Environmental conditions such as water and air temperatures must be really specific. The growth of these plants is slow and susceptible to disease makes these plants limited and expensive.

A fixinghead technique is a young shoot that is used as seasonal food. This vegetable is very popular in many countries. Fiddlehead experts can be sold starting at IDR 300 thousand per half kilogram. This fern price is expensive because it can only be harvested at a certain time. In addition, the harvest method must be very careful.

Rebung is a young bamboo shoot that is widely used as vegetables. It tastes crunchy and rich in nutrition. Who would have thought that premium bamboo shoots could sell well in the market at a price of Rp. 300 thousand. The high redeem price is due to the high cost because the harvesting really pays attention to the age of the shoots. In addition, the type of bamboo shoots also determines the price of bamboo in the international market.

Chayote grass is a green vegetable. Its shape resembles adidilty and commonly processed in various countries. Some chayote labs are sold at a low price, but some are sold at a price of Rp. 100,000 per 0.5 kg. The high price of this type of labus is because this plant can only grow in a suitable environment, so it costs to send.

As the name suggests, this mosquito resembles a watermelon because it has pale green skin, while the inside is bright easily. The demand forementary mosquito is quite high but the supply is very limited and can only be found in several places. These vegetables are sold at an average price of IDR 150 thousand per 0.5 kg.

Those are some of the most expensive vegetables in the world. Visit VOI.id to get more interesting information.

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