YOGYAKARTA - The presence of home-made church birds often raises curiosity and questions about the meaning behind the incident.

From a scientific point of view, the presence of church birds in the house could be caused by several factors, such as navigational errors, seeking shelter from bad weather, or even looking for food sources.

However, behind scientific explanations, there are various beliefs and myths that develop in society. Curious?

Reporting from the owlcation page, some people in Indonesia believe that if a church bird flies into the house, then there will be household members getting married or giving birth soon.

Meanwhile, in China, some people say that when a church bird flies into the house indicating the good luck that will come in a more general sense.

According to some of the beliefs held by the public, if a church bird flies into your closed window and dies, it could indicate the death of someone you know.

However, according to most modern spiritualists and new-age fans, it is thought that if a church bird hits the window it may have a less terrifying and more common meaning.

In addition, many people say that this incident may indicate a future 'either'relationship, friendship, work, life, or something else'.

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However, bi many church bird cultures are considered as luck. The Chinese people believe that church birds are a symbol of luck and happiness.

Meanwhile, in the trust of the Indonesian people, church birds sign the birth, wedding, rain, and other good news.

According to the Audobon Society, in general public confidence, church birds carry the soul of the dead, and killing church birds will bring bad luck.

The above belief is very similar to the views of ancient Egyptian people about sparrows and the views of traditional sailors.

Some sailors are known to have tattoos on church birds in the hope that the birds will capture and carry their souls if they die at sea.

According to several new-age writers, when someone finds a dead church bird it can indicate the loss of freedom or porosity.

However, according to other opinions, finding dead birds may symbolize a new beginning, such as a "death" card in the tarot system.

Church birds have become the object of countless cultural, spiritual, and mythological associations in various regions and throughout time.

In ancient Greek mythology, churchbirds are considered as symbols of love. Church birds are Aphrodite birds, goddess of love, and symbolize true love and spiritual connections.

Church birds are described as not just lust, as they are often seen as one of the most sexually passionate and active birds in the wild. At Troy, nine church birds were eaten by a snake, and this marked nine years of war.

Then in the old Indonesian tradition, church birds are considered a sign of luck. Folklore stated that a church bird flying into someone's house signifies luck (especially if it builds a nest).

Other meanings could mean marriage is imminent. It is also said that if a woman sees it on Valentine's Day, then she will find happiness when married to a poor man.

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