YOGYAKARTA - Surat Al-Zalzalah adalah surat pendek yang menjadi salah satu surat dalam Juz Amma (Juz 30) yang terdiri dari 8 ayat dan tergolong surat Madaniyah, karena turun saat Rasulullah SAW sudah hijrah dari Makkah ke Madinah. Surat Al-Zalzalah sendiri diturunkan tepat setelah surat An-Nisa. Surat Al-Zalzalah ayat 1-8 sendiri namanya diambil dari kata Zilzaal yang berarti 'pembatan' dan terdapat pada aya ayat pertama surat pertama ini. Simak review tentang surat Al-Zalzalah dan maksinya di bawah ini.

Surat Al-Zalzalah ayat 1-8 berisi tentang hari makam dan juga berbagai macam hal yang akan menimpakan manusia pada hari akhir nanti. Selain itu, surat ini juga mengabarkan tentang kejaran besar yang terjadi di bumi hingga semua yang ada di perutul bumi seperti metal, rocks, harta hingga masyarakat akan dincurkan.

Summarized from Juz Amma, the following is the letter Al-Zalzalah verse 1-8 in Latin text and its meaning.

Below is the reading of the letter Al-Zalzalah in Latin and its meaning:

Meaning: "If the earth is shaken by a terrible shock,"

Meaning: "And the earth has removed the heavy burdens (which are contained),"

Meaning: "And humans ask, 'What happens to this earth?'"

Meaning: "On that day the earth conveyed the news,"

Meaning: "Because in fact your God has ordered (that is so) on him."

Meaning: "On that day humans came out of their graves in groups, to be shown to them (retaliatory) all their actions."

Meaning: "So whoever does the same good as thezarrah, surely he will see (retaliatory),"

Meaning: "and whoever commits a crime as heavy as azarrah, surely he will see (retaliatory)."

For Muslims who routinely and istiqomah practice Al Zalzalah's letter, they will receive their priority as follows:

The priority of reading the letter Al Zalzalah is to get a big reward. Pahala in question is equivalent to reading half of the Koran. This is as explained in the history of Ibnu Abbas, the Prophet SAW said,

"The Al Zalzalah letter is commensurate with half the Koran, wal 'adhiyat is worth half the Alq, Al Ikhlas' letter is commensurate with a third of the Koran, and Al Kafikun's letter is commensurate with a quarter of the Koran."

The priority of reading Al Zalzalah's next letter is to get God's Heaven. This was revealed by Abi Abdullah:

"Don't get tired of reading the letter Al-Zalzalah, because actually whoever reads it in his sunnah prayer, then Allah will not cause a disaster (earthquake) forever and he will not die because of it.

In addition, he was not also hit by lightning and several other disasters in the world. Then when he dies, he is ordered to go to heaven. Then Allah forgives you, 'O My servants, I accompany you into My heaven, so stay in it as long as you want, not prohibited and not rejected either.'" (Tsawabul A'mal: 112)

That's a review of Al-Zalzalah's letter and its meaning. Hopefully this review will be useful. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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