YOGYAKARTA Did you know there are many ways to distinguish real and fake gold, one of which is from a fire medium or arson. Before practicing this method you must know how real gold is if it is burned both in terms of color and shape.

Basically, natural gold will show changes in shape and color. This happens because gold is one of the special metals that has a unique reaction to fire. For more details, see the following article.

Generally, when jewelry with 24 carat gold levels when burned there will be a change in color and shape, as reported by the Sahabat Pegadaian website. When burned using fire at a certain time, 24-carat gold jewelry will slowly turn black. The shape will also slowly change unlike before.

In terms of color, the gold burned will change. The Namum changes depend on the type of mixture used. In original gold with 24 carat levels, the gold color will turn black. The reaction is normal.

Changes in color will basically also occur in gold jewelry mixed with metal with levels below 24 carat. However, the color change is caused by oxidation in non-gold metals. The color shown varies depending on the type of metal mixed.

Apart from color, pure gold that is burned will also experience a change in shape. 24-carat gold levels will change shape when burned. This change occurs because gold metal has low resistance so it is easy to change when burned.

In contrast to jewelry mixed with other metals such as iron, copper, or silver which has strong enough resistance to burning. So that when the jewelry is burned, nothing will happen.

How to check the authenticity of gold can be done with a gas lighter. Here are some ingredients needed for the combustion process.

The first step to check for real or fake gold is to use a lighter that has a stable flare. To get stability, it is recommended to use a butana gas lighter. If not, you can use wax or something like that.

Don't hold the jewelry that will be burned with your hands directly because the burning heat will hurt your skin. Therefore, a kind of clamping device is needed to clamp some of the jewelry.

After the tools are collected, follow the steps of checking gold with the following matches.

That's information regarding how real gold is if burned. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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