YOGYAKARTA For Indonesian culinary lovers, of course, they are familiar with coffee and tape. Both are made of different ingredients, but are often combined to produce delicious culinary products. Not only delicious, the benefits of drinking coffee mixed with tape are also a consideration why this drink is widely popular.

Please note that the mixing of black coffee with tape has been around for a long time. Even this dish is one of the typical menus of the people of Cirebon, West Java. This drink is called Tape Bakung Milk Coffee.

The taste of coffee mixed tape is also very unique because it combines coffee ingredients and sweet tape. Even so, the aroma of coffee is strong enough that it doesn't produce a new aroma. Some sellers also mix milk or other mixtures to make it taste even more delicious.

Outside of its taste, aroma, and shape, the coffee tape drink has a myriad of benefits that shoppers can feel. Some of these benefits are as follows.

The caffeine content in coffee tape drinks has a myriad of benefits, one of which is to help increase focus and improve mood. The benefits of black coffee mixed with tape will also be obtained considering that this drink is not mixed with any sweeteners.

Reporting from AI Care, caffeine can be a stimulant to increase mood, increase vigilance, to deplete the drowsiness that strikes. Caffeins are also able to increase levels of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin which have an important contribution to increasing feelings of happiness and satisfaction.

One type of tape that is often used as a mixture of coffee drinks is glutinous tape. Indirectly, glutinous tape has tremendous benefits for digestion.

Reporting from Era.id, glutinous tape contains good bacteria. These bacteria are instrumental in improving gut flora and maintaining good digestive function. In addition, tape is also a natural source of probiotics that not only maintains the digestive system but also minimizes the risk of infection in the intestines.

The content of complex carbohydrates in glutinous tape that is a mixture of coffee is able to provide energy sources for the body. This happens because the sweet taste contained in tape can be converted into glucose which is then absorbed by the body to become a source of energy.

Please note that the sweet taste of tape does not come from sugar, but is due to the fementase tape process that breaks carbohydrates into glucose.

One of the benefits of tape is to help increase vitamin B1 levels in the body. These vitamins are known to support the health of nerves and muscle cells.

In an article published in the Journal of Graha Service in 2021, tape consumption helps reduce the risk of anemia. This happens because microorganisms used for the fermentation process produce vitamin B12. These vitamins play a role in preventing anemia.

Those are some of the benefits of drinking tape mixed coffee. Visit VOI.id to get more interesting information.

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