Here's The Best Way To Respond To A Child When Crying
Illustration (Laura Garcia / Pexels)

JAKARTA - The crying of children sometimes makes parents confused, uncomfortable, annoyed, and overwhelmed. Moreover, children can cry while doing other things such as screaming, kicking things, and being difficult to control. When you are tired or dizzy with work deadlines or a lot of household matters, it's natural for mothers to get emotional and want to get angry.

But before you get really angry and talk in a high tone to your child, try to calm yourself down as much as possible. The child may have a reason to cry, it's just that the mother doesn't understand what she wants.

Here's how to deal with a child's crying without getting angry:

Calm and make him comfortable

The first step that can be done is to make him calmer. Mother can first leave the activity that is being done and choose to accompany the crying child. Try to approach him, ask him why he's crying, and give him a hug. Who knows, children want something, are sick, or are upset because there are things they don't like.

Ask him if he needs help

Children may experience things that are not very pleasant for them, for example, their toys are broken, their favorite food is taken by relatives, or they are not feeling well. Mother can ask if she needs help to be calmer and more comfortable again.

Let it cry

Mothers must know first that a child crying is normal and that's okay. This is a way for him to express his emotions. So, there is no need to a little bit to tell your child not to cry, yes, because this can carry over to adulthood and become a person who finds it difficult to express emotions.

Tell your child if he is sad, angry, or sick, it's okay to cry for a while. After calming down, you can take him to a more comfortable place such as a room or move him to the sofa. Mother can ask the child to tell the reason why he is crying.

Take the child to rest

Does the child look sick and hungry? Maybe he's tired. Try to take it to the room and place it on the bed. Accompany children while chatting or reading fairy tales, usually children find it easier to get sleepy and fall asleep after crying.

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