YOGYAKARTA In healthy friendship it is important to set boundaries. Maybe it can be very difficult, because it is familiar. But why still need boundaries so that friendship remains healthy? This is the reason.

Sometimes unconsciously we want to change a person's way of thinking. Or simplest, change the pattern of relationship. Once a week to meet or schedule coffee and hang out together, including patterns. But it needs to be limited so that the relationship remains healthy. Another example, if your friend often borrows money from you, is certainly an unhealthy pattern. That means, it is very important to set boundaries so that friendship remains established, respectful, and fun.

One of the challenges in setting boundaries feels that someone will hurt in the relationship. But in many cases, without boundaries, there are more and more negative feelings. Like disappointment because it is too dependent, hate because the needs are ignored, or angry because of ridicule without restrictions. That means, boundaries can prevent hatred and support healthier friendships without the negative feelings that underlie it.

Self-care is not only by having time. But when setting healthy boundaries, even in an intimate friendship, it also includes personal care. For example, if you are tired while your friends take a walk longer, it will not be fun. That means, set your limits according to the activities you can do. Say'sufficient' if you are tired or say 'not' if it doesn't match your preferences.

Set boundaries, including understanding and asserting what is needed. This can serve as a way to show yourself that there are priorities and must be met immediately. That means, setting boundaries is also a way to increase confidence. By knowing your limits, you can communicate your needs.

Establishing boundaries in friendship, is actually constructive. Launching BetterHelp, Thursday, September 12, when setting healthy boundaries in your relationship with your friends, it will respect each other, underlie relationships with empathy, and tolerance. That means, even if you have different perspectives, arguments, even professions, you and your friends can motivate each other and support each other.

That is the reason for the importance of setting boundaries in healthy friendship. What are the types of boundaries? In general, the limit refers to material boundaries, physical limitations, and sexual boundaries.

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