YOGYAKARTA Thinking positively requires training. This way of thinking helps improve creativity, welfare, and is skilled at managing stress. Even according to research in 2020, people who think positively are more resistant, including diseases because they tend to have a strong immune system. Positive thinking exercise can be the following way.

It may sound difficult, but it can be done by identifying every negative thought that appears. Then evaluate whether the thought makes you tense or stressed. Observing thoughts can help practice mindfulness techniques. This technique keeps you grounded. For example, when negative thoughts begin to appear, try to breathe deeply and scan which parts of the body are tense.

What is said to yourself makes a big difference in the mindset. That means, choose positive self-talk to form a positive mindset too. With a positive mindset, a person will increase his motivation and enthusiasm.

There are many ways to laugh or smile. But everyone has different preferences. You can watch humor shows. You can also take a leisurely time to joke with those closest to you. It's important to know, humor helps you find and maintain a positive mindset and reduce stress.

Changing your point of view is certainly not easy. But in this way your creativity can develop. For example, when an event makes you stressed. Then you change the way you view the event. You can also use positive affirmations in your daily routine. And positive self-talks also help you focus on difficult times.

Reflecting on the things that are grateful for is one way to improve positive thoughts. Then start smoothing the journal of gratitude, because this can help you also write negative thoughts. That way you will remember every thing as a lesson, be it positive or negative.

Regular exercise increases mood and reduces stress. By just taking 30 minutes every day, you can make big differences. This daily exercise routine gives the body a chance to move. That way to maintain blood circulation to overall fitness.

When consuming healthy foods, the food willtrict the body. Including when thinking and functioning optimally. Fresh fruit and vegetables are of course the best food ingredients. Because these ingredients are rich in vitamins and minerals that the body needs.

Getting to sleep is quite important, because lack of sleep is likely to appear more often negative thoughts. Enough sleep also helps you focus and concentrate. Research recommends sleeping for 7-9 hours every night

Managing stress can increase positive thinking. This can be done in many ways. For example by talking to loved ones or trusted people, pauses from social media, assessing thoughts and feelings, pursuing hobbies you like, such as gardening or traveling.

According to research reported by PsychCentral, Sunday, September 8, positive thinking increases creativity in solving problems or problems. Research conducted in 2017, found that stress is a physical response from various situations that are not experienced. When experiencing stress, a person needs a way to manage stress with positive thoughts or do activities for relaxation for a moment before formulating a problem-solving strategy.

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