YOGYAKARTA Tips for storing mitigation so that it lasts a long time need to be considered, because it is quite difficult to determine whether this mitigation can still be eaten or is stale because of the taste and want to be typical of fermented foods.

As is known, fire is a traditional dish of South Korea made from fermented palm oil.

RICH has a distinctive taste, which tends to be spicy and sour. The longer it is stored, the more acidic it will get.

Adapting Healthline, You can last up to 1 week at room temperature. If stored in the refrigerator, this food can last for 3-6 months. However, there are conditions, namely how to store it must be correct.

Compiled from various sources, the following are some tips for storing dumplings so that they can last for a long time.

In order to last a long time, keep your arms in a tightly closed container. Please note, the kiosk fermentation process will continue, even after it is stored. So that the udaya that enters the container can affect the process and make it quickly rot.

Use a quality glass container or jars that can be closed tightly to keep your glass fresh and avoid contamination from the outside air.

At the time of the fermentation process, the glass container containing fire must be stored at room temperature, and should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Because excessive exposure to heat can speed up decay.

In addition, don't forget to open the lid stoples every day, once 24 hours. This is to remove carbon dioxide from the fermentation process.

Setelah dimasukkan ke dalam penungkapan tertam terendapat, menyimpan di dalam referasi dengan suhu yang tepat. Huhu ideal untuk menyimpan senang adalah di bawah 4 derajat Celsius.

At this temperature, the fermentation process will slow down so that it can last longer without loss of taste and texture.

Make sure not to keep your room temperature at room temperature for too long, because fermentation will take place faster and can causerik to become too acidic.

This tip is aimed at avoiding contamination. Therefore, make sure you always use a spoon or clean food utensil when taking your medication from the container.

Avoid using your hands directly or dirty spoons, because bacteria from dirty tools can make you stale quickly. By maintaining the cleanliness of your eating utensils, you can prolong your life save.

The storedangki yang benar bisa bertahan hingga 3-6 bulan sebagai tidak bermesung dan muncul fungi.

Usually, mushrooms will appear in foods with warm temperatures, but do not rule out the possibility of appearing in foods stored for too long in the refrigerator.

The sign of fun is moldy, namely black, blue, or green dots. If it is overgrown with mushrooms,iri is no longer fit to eat. In addition, the smell is also very sour, even tends to smell like alcohol.

Eating stale clothes can cause disease in the digestive tract such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

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