YOGYAKARTA - A harmonious and supportive work environment is very crucial to maintain productivity and mental well-being. However, it is not uncommon for someone to experience tensions in relationships with colleagues. Curious what are the signs of not being liked by colleagues in the office? Let's discuss it!

Recognizing the signs that you may not be liked by colleagues can help you understand the situation and find the right way to deal with it. This article will discuss some signs that co-workers may not like you, as well as how to handle it wisely.

1. Get Different Treatments

If you feel differently treated compared to other co-workers, this could be a sign that there is dislike for you. For example, co-workers may prefer to work with others or help certain people more often. If you are often ruled out in projects or not given the opportunity to collaborate, this may indicate the discomfort of them.

How to Deal with it

Focus on your work and prove your ability to go through good results. Sometimes, actions speak more than words. By showing professionalism and reliability, you can rebuild trust among colleagues.

2. Not included in Social Activities

If you are often not invited to social events or lunch with colleagues, this could be a sign that you may not be fully accepted into the group. Although not everyone should always be involved in social activities, if this exclusion happens consistently, there could be something wrong.

How to Deal with it

Don't immediately take this as a personal attack. Try to be more open and friendly in social interactions in the office. You can also start by inviting colleagues to lunch or drink coffee to build a better relationship.

3. Cold or Limited Communication

One of the general indicators that someone may not like you is limited or cold communication. If colleagues often avoid talking to you or simply giving a brief response without further explanation, this could be a sign of discomfort. If communication is usually stiff and formal, there could be problems in the relationship.

How to Deal with it

Be more proactive in communication. Ask open questions and try to create a more friendly atmosphere in conversation. Sometimes, people will feel more comfortable after getting to know you better.

4. Often Criticized For No Clear Reason

If you feel that you are often the target of unconstructive or groundless criticism, this could be another sign that there is dislike from colleagues. Criticism that is degrading or without reason can clearly make the work atmosphere uncomfortable and reduce the spirit of work.

How to Deal with it

If the criticism given is unfair, respond calmly and ask for further clarification. Ask politely about what you can fix. This will show that you are open to developing, but will also not allow yourself to be treated unfairly.

5. Gossip and Talks Behind

If you often hear that there are gossip or negative talks about you, this is a clear sign that there is dislike among colleagues. Gossip in the workplace can damage your reputation and create an uncomfortable working atmosphere.

How to Deal with it

Don't be provoked to retaliate in the same way. Stay professional and avoid being involved in gossip. If the gossip has the potential to seriously damage your reputation, consider discussing it directly with those involved or discussing it with superiors.

Well, besides that, you must also know what kind of tips to make friends with your Colleagues are older for Gen Z, so that you can feel at home and be on guard.

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