YOGYAKARTA If you've been sleepy all day, it's one of the symptoms of hypersomnia. But medically, hypersomnia is a condition when a person feels very sleepy during the day. This condition can be caused by various factors, including the neuroloigs factor. To be more complete, identify what causes hypersomnia and how to prevent it in the explanation below.

Drowsiness can interfere with activities. Because you can't concentrate fully, focus on completing work, or other tasks. Hypersomnia is divided into three types, namely first, the idioptic hypersomnia.

Idioptic Hypersomnia is a condition when a person is very sleepy for no apparent reason. Second, the primary type of hypersomnia, namely hypersomnia caused by neurological conditions or the symptoms of narcotics. Third, secondary hypersomnia caused by medical conditions. Such as depression, multiple sclerosis, nerve damage caused by head trauma, use of drugs or alcohol, tumors, damage to the central nervous system, and sleep apnea.

Hypersomnia is also experienced by someone with certain conditions. This risk factor is experienced by people who experience problems with the kidneys, heart, nervous system, low thyroid function, encephalitis, and epilepsy.

Hypersomnia often begins between mid-20ties and early 20s. But symptoms can appear at any time with a certain interval or intensity. In women, hypersomnia symptoms can worsen before menstruation. According to the Hypersomnia Foundation reported by Healthline, Wednesday, September 4, about 10-15 percent of people with hypersomnia symptoms will disappear for no apparent reason.

Symptoms of hypersomnia include difficulty waking up from long sleep, thinking and talking slowly, difficulty remembering something, being easily offended, anxiety, low energy, hallucinations experienced in several cases. If you experience these symptoms, it is very important for a doctor to diagnose hypersomnia. Doctors will usually ask for medical history, ask to make a sleep daily book, measure the Epworth sleep scale, double sleep latency test, and test using polysomnograms.

Hypersomnia treatment has several options. It depends on what causes it and what types of it are experienced. The choice includes treatment for treating narcotics. Such as drugs to increase vigilance, stimulant drugs, drugs prevent muscle weakness and drowsiness. In addition, lifestyle changes can help in several cases. Such as regulating sleep hours and following a diet rich in whole food.

Although hypersomnia is not life-threatening, it can affect the quality of life of a person experiencing it. Because it can interfere with work, learning, and doing daily activities.

There are several ways to prevent some forms of hypersomnia. For example, by creating a quiet sleep environment, avoiding drinking alcohol, and certain medicines. It is also important to look for the underlying treatment to prevent complications.

It should be noted that people sleep for more than an hour, possibly having a risk of hypertension, stroke, or cardiovascular disease. So it's very important to know exactly how many hours a day you sleep and recognize the pattern. People with hypersomnia can sleep more than 11 hours every 24 hours. If you experience symptoms of hypersomnia as described above, it is very important to immediately check with a doctor.

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