YOGYAKARTA For some people who are workers or employees, talking to the boss outside of work is not a burdensome thing. However, this condition is different if the conversation between the boss and the employee is carried out in the context of work. In fact, many people think that the boss's behavior in contact outside working hours is disturbing.

When superiors contact workers outside office hours in the context of work, there are several ways that can be done to reject it.

Rejecting the boss who contacted workers outside office hours is very permissible. However, it is advisable to take his refusal politely. Here's how to turn it down.

The way that can be done when the boss asks you to work outside office hours is to say that you are not in a position that allows you to work. For example, you are on the road, or attending outdoor events until evening.

Workers can also say that the tools needed to work are not available. Usually these tools are in the form of a stable internet network or a computer that is not carried.

Workers can explain the obligations they have to do outside of office hours. This obligation can be in the form of raising children, or carrying out other social activities. Because it is an obligation, these activities cannot be shifted by anything including work.

If the boss insists on asking workers to work outside office hours, workers can mention the work contracts signed by both parties. This reason is very strong and even protected by law so that rejection of requests from outside the contract may be carried out. This method can be done to overcome the boss's request that is not in accordance with the contract.

Rejection needs to be conveyed politely. This is done so that the relationship between workers and superiors while at office hours remains good. In addition, polite submission of rejection helps determine how much your value as a worker is, especially in Indonesia.

The boss who contacts workers outside office hours is not only related to work. If so, workers can obey him. For example, the boss asked about other topics outside of work. But this method can be done as long as the worker wants and is willing to obey the reason why the boss contacted him.

Workers can also say that the work requested by the boss will be carried out in the morning when office hours apply. This method is effective enough to end the conversation between the boss and workers outside office hours.

Those are some ways to deal with boss contacting outside of work hours. Visit VOI.id to get more interesting information.

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