YOGYAKARTA Like acne, small, solid millia that grows below the surface of the skin. As a type of acne, the millia will not cause long-term damage. Usually, without being pressed forcibly to remove its contents, the millia can disappear by itself. But if you want a smooth skin look, you have to take a safe way to get rid of the milia.

Milia is a very small cyst, many people mistakenly consider it a white commodity. Here are suggestions from dermatologists and beauty experts to get rid of the milia.

Because the millia is under the upper layer of the skin, it will not be easy to remove its contents by simply narrowing it. Billions are often misunderstood as acne. Billions are formed from dead skin cells that accumulate or dirt or cage protein that is trapped and not lifted completely. Without being treated, the millia can perch in the sun, so the most appropriate way to get rid of the milia is to meet a dermatologist and ask for direct advice on how to get rid of it.

In adults, millennials are classified into two types, namely primary and secondary millia. Primary billion is a type of millia that is also experienced by babies, of course also adults. This is due to dead skin cells that accumulate in the pores because they are not peeled off well, explained the certified dermatologist DendyGGelman as reported by Bydrie, Monday, August 12.

Secondary militias occur when the skin condition or infection (such asā–sakits) causes lepto. This actually happens because the pores layer is damaged. Secondary militias are also referred to as commetricalities' because they can occur as a reaction to thick creams or plasters that clog the pores.

Whether primary or secondary, it is very important to make sure to use the right skin care. This includes ensuring that you use the right eye makeup product. If you have millia around your eyes, try lighter eye creams and avoid removing oily eye makeup.

The safest way to get rid of millennials is to seek professional care, one of which is with a cauter. However, you can still take simple steps to control the number of millennials growing. Namely by doing regular exfoliation every week or twice a week.

According to beauty expert Jeannel Astarita, millennials are most often formed in unexfoliated dry skin. Exfoliation helps remove unnecessary layers and skin cells from the skin's surface. Exfoliation prevents kertins and trapped dead skin cells that make up the milia.

In addition to exfoliation, wearing sunscreen that protects the skin from exposure to the sun prevents the formation of millennials. Damage due to sunlight, one of the causes of milia and causes rough skin.GGelman advises, wear sunscreen with the SPF every day. Also use it even when it is cloudy.

Billions are harmless and do not cause scar tissue such as certain types of acne. But Miliia can reduce skin beauty. Well, to prevent it from growing more, choose skin care that contains manuka honey. Or you make a mask made from manuca honey that is antimicrobial in nature. This trait helps remove dead skin cells.

Retinoids can prevent the growth of millennials, explained dermatologist Shari Sperling. Because retinoids encourage cell change and clean skin buildup.

Milia can last a long time on the skin if left alone. In many cases, the millia can disappear by itself in a matter of weeks. But if you want to remove the milia immediately without waiting for it to disappear on your own, then you can visit a dermatologist or licensed beauty expert. Doctors will provide advice, including one of them lifting the millia with a lanset to pull the palace or break it with chemicals or lasers.

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