JAKARTA - Shoekes are tropical plants originating from Asia. Suns that turn yellow on shoe fireworks usually indicate that these plants are excess or lack of water. Although yellowing leaves are common problems, this can usually be overcome if you find the cause early on and take immediate action. Here are six reasons why the leaves of your shoes turn yellow from The Spruce, Monday, July 22.

If several leafworks of shoes turn yellow and fall off, the plant could be in the era of dormansi. This plant grows during spring, summer, and fall. Meanwhile, growth will stop during the snow season. When the plant enters its boarding period, it would be better if the shoe development was planted in a container and put in the room.

Some of the yellowing leaves in the fall are no reason to worry. Unless all the leaves are yellowing and falling, and the plants become parried, which suggests other problems.

Insufficient light can cause color change and leaf falloffs. For that, you need to provide sufficient light. Plants in the container must be moved to locations where the sun's needs are met. You can move plants in the ground to the right place or trim the surrounding plants to provide more sunlight to the shoe flowers.

Too much sunlight can also damage the leaves, especially on shoe fireworks grown in containers that have passed the winter in the room. This plant often emits yellow leaves when moved back out of room in the spring, which is a sign of too much light.

Then, adjust the plant gradually to stronger outdoor sunlight. Start this process indoors by placing the plant near a bright and bright window at the beginning of spring. After moving it out of the room, gradually increase the amount of sunlight it receives, starting with direct sunlight for only a few hours.

Yellow leaves can also show incorrect use of fertilizer or lack of fertilizer. Shoeworks are plants that require balanced fertilizers with the same amount of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, such as fertilizer 20-20-20 or 10-10-10. Shoe flowers in pots must be fertilized more often than plants in the ground, every two to three weeks during the summer, but with a dose of half of the recommended amount on the label.

Iron klorosis is a special form of micronutrient deficiency where only leaves at the ends of each branch turn yellow, and the veins remain green, while the lower leaves initially remain green. Feed plants with chelated iron in addition to ordinary balanced fertilizers with the recommended dose on the label. This supplement can bring new full leaf green growth.

Pests, such as spider tungau, aphids, and whitebugs, can cause the leaves of the shoe fireworks to turn yellow. Check the underlying parts of the leaves as well as the spaces where the leaves and branches intersect with each other, all of which are good places for insects to hide. Pay attention to insect attacks may be a sign that shoe fireworks are weakened by other problems, such as inaccurate watering or lack of nutrients. If so, overcoming other problems can help.

Cate Singleton, Design Director at online landscape design company Tilly, said that if the soil remains humid, this could cause roots to rot. However, shoe fireworks require a lot of water. If the soil becomes too dry, it can cause stressed plants.

This tropical plant does not like strong winds that make the leaves dry and can cause yellowing and falling leaves. Planting shoe flowers in a place protected from the wind.

Indoor wind can have the same effect as outdoor winds, so place plants in places where there are no strong winds during excessive winter.

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