YOGYAKARTA – Scabies is a skin disease caused by mites. This disease can attack animals and even humans. The impact is usually in the form of itching followed by a red rash. Apart from the health problems it causes, do you know where the scabies mites come from?

Where the Scabies Mites Come From?

Reporting from AI Care, the mites that cause scabies are called Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis. These mites can live on human skin by making tunnels under the skin. When the tunnel forms, a small red bump will appear. When that happens it will feel very itchy and even unbearable.

It should be noted that the mites that cause scabies are very small. This mite is so small that it cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Usually scabies is found in human environments where many people live, such as dormitories, Islamic boarding schools, boarding schools, refugee camps and other residential facilities. These mites also come and live on home furnishings such as sheets, curtains, pillows, or can also survive by sticking to the clothes of someone who was infected by a previously infected person.

Scabies mites will enter under the skin and lay eggs. When the eggs hatch, larvae will emerge which can rise to the surface of the skin and infect other parts of the body or other people.

However, you need to know that scabies will usually live in thin areas of skin, for example between the fingers, wrists, armpit creases, and even the genitals in men. Meanwhile, in thick areas of skin such as the soles of the feet or hands, cases are rarely found.

How Scabies Mites Spread

Scabies infection in humans occurs through skin-to-skin contact. Usually this occurs when the sufferer makes skin contact with another person. Mites will spread from one person to another, either through direct skin, clothing, furniture, and so on.

Some activities that can be a source of scabies mites include shaking hands, hugging, and sexual activity.

Symptoms of Scabies in Humans

Reporting from AI Care, the initial symptoms of scabies are small pimple-like bumps. Its appearance will occur 4 to 6 weeks after the sufferer experiences the initial symptoms, namely a red rash. The rash will spread slowly over weeks to months. Some other symptoms of scabies are as follows.

  • A severe itching sensation appears
  • The itching gets worse at night
  • Scratching the lump will trigger a skin infection
  • A rash or a kind of gray line appears similar to the sufferer's skin color

To prevent this skin infection, it is recommended to wash clothes regularly because no one can guess where the scabies mite comes from. In addition, it is recommended to avoid contact with people infected with scabies for a while. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.id.

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