YOGYAKARTA Spread food that was processed many times, Maudy Ayunda shared the opposite process. According to Maudy, looking for food ingredients directly from the roots gets an amazingly delicious home dish. Take a peek at Maudy Ayunda's fun portrait in the forest of Kalimantan for forcing.

Foraging is a term that refers to the activity of looking for food or campaigning in the surrounding forest. Through a portrait upload, Maudy said that one afternoon in Rumbih Village, located two hours from Sintang, West Kalimantan, she is looking for food for food tomorrow.

In addition to leaves and ferns, Maudy also gets a cassava. Cassava is cooked that afternoon. Processed simply with minimal processing and without additional ingredients, the dish tastes amazingly delicious.

Through the portrait he uploaded, Maudy showed off the results of his campaign. A cassava that is taken from the ground. It looks like the soil is still wet. According to Maudy, recently he experienced a complete taste of fresh ingredients.

Maudy also shared the facts of the dishes she ate. Because it comes from plants that grow organically and are processed with a minimal process, he is grateful for his forest-to-table experience to remind him again that he often lives a life away from nature.

In the portrait above, Maudy shows off the home cooking that is eaten together. He fullyfed accompaniment, containing more vegetables than rice.

A week ago, Maudy had uploaded her trip in Sintang, West Kalimantan. According to him, there are so many memorable moments, meaningful experiences, and important lessons.

Not only enjoying dishes on the table, starting from the process of looking for food in the forest. Maudy Ayunda also shared a portrait of the moment of weaving with some natives where her adventure is.

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