YOGYAKARTA - Knowing how to store asy in the refrigerator is mandatory for women who choose to breastfeed their babies exclusively even though they are busy working. So how? Let's discuss it!

Breast milk is an important source of nutrition for babies, so the storage area must be sterile and tightly closed so that breast milk is always fresh.

The selection of the correct container and the right temperature setting in the refrigerator can ensure that breast milk is always safe and beneficial for babies for a longer time. For complete information on how to store breast milk in the refrigerator properly, read it until it's finished, yes.


How Long Does Breast Milk Last In The Refrigerator?

Dairy Breastfeeding Signs Stored In The Refrigerator Are Still Fresh

How Long Does Breast Milk Last In The Refrigerator?

In general, the resistance of breast milk in the refrigerator depends on the refrigerator temperature and the sanitation condition of storage. Here are general estimates for breast milk resistance in good storage conditions:

Putting asi in the refrigerator should not be done carelessly. Asi is the main food of your little one for the first few months of her life. If the method of putting Isi in this refrigerator is not properly and carefully considered, then this asy can actually be at risk for the health of the baby.

I. How to Save Asi in Kulkas (0-4 Derajat Celsius)

According to instructions from IDAI, the method of putting Isi in the refrigerator is 0-4 degrees Celsius, which is the following:

II. How to Save Asi in Kulkas (15 degrees Celsius)

The method of storing asi in a refrigerator with a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius is as follows:

III. How to Save Asi in Kulkas -18 degrees Celsius

The method of storing asi in the refrigerator with a temperature of -18 degrees Celsius is as follows:

IV. How to Save Asi in the Single Freezer

The method of storing asy in a single freezer with a temperature of -20 degrees Celsius is as follows:

Dairy Breastfeeding Signs Stored In The Refrigerator Are Still Fresh

There are several characteristics that can help you to determine whether the breast milk that is placed in the refrigerator is still fresh or not:

In addition, let's find out the Reason for the Importance of Exclusive Breastfeeding for Mothers and Babies in the Current Era.

So after knowing how to store asy in the refrigerator, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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