YOGYAKARTA Sports that burn 1,000 body calories a day can be a solution to lose weight.

In addition to increasing physical resilience, the purpose of exercise is to burn as many calories as possible. The more calories that are successfully burned, the less fat in the body will decrease. As a result, the body will become slimmer and healthier.

So, what are the sports that can burn 1,000 calories a day? Summarized from various sources, Saturday, July 13, 2024, see the full information below.

jogging is a physical activity that involves running or running casually at moderate speed.

Adapting Harvard Health Publishing, running at a moderate speed of 60 minutes can burn about 600-800 calories. If the duration is increased to 90 minutes, you can burn about 1,000 calories.

Swimming is also an effective sport burning calories. Swimming for an hour with a moderate intensity can burn about 400-500 calories. Thus, if you do exercise for 2.5 hours, you can burn about 1,000 calories.

To burn 1,000 calories a day, you can also do high-intensity training (HIIT), such as jumping jacks, squats, wall sit, push-up rotation, and many more.

You can also do lighter exercises such as running at moderate speeds for 2 minutes non-stop or sprint (fast run) for about 1 minute. Do this exercise repeatedly.

Jumping rope, aka jumping rope, can burn about 10-14 calories per minute. You can adjust the duration and intensity according to the body's ability.

According to Harvard Health Publishing, people weighing 56 kilograms can burn 1,000 calories by jumping a rope for 100 minutes.

In addition to being effective in burning calories, jumpingrope is also cheap and can be done anywhere and anytime.

Besides being fun, cycling can be a good calorie-burning sport. You can reduce the buildup of fat in the body while having fun enjoying a complex tour or even going around the city.

Cycling at moderate speed, around 14-16 mph for 1 hour can burn 1,000 calories. While cycling at a speed of about 17-20 mph can burn calories in less than 60 minutes.

Doing sit-up can help you get rid of fat in the stomach. In addition, the number of calories burned is also quite large.

By combining this sport with crunches, you can burn up to 1,000 calories.

The crunch is a practice to tighten the stomach muscles. Doing frequent movements regularly can burn fat in the stomach area so that it helps lose weight.

The following is a guide for performing the right crunch exercise:

For those of you who are just starting this sport, it is recommended to do 10 exercises first. Once you get used to it, you can increase the intensity.

That's information about sports that burn 1,000 calories. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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