YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever wondered 'why color is getting more and more fuzzy?' Of course this is something that is fun to discuss, right? So, what are the scientific reasons like? Let's discuss it!

In fact, some of these explanations are taken from several scientific and optical factors, so they will know the reasons why the color is getting further and more blurred by our visibility.

Why the color is getting further and more blurred because there is a spread of light, cause of distance, atmosphere, loss of contrast, eye accommodation, work of photoreceptor cells and others.

The phenomenon in which colors appear to be increasingly blurred or dim at the time of the distance between the eyes and the object that is oriented further is referred to as "decreasing the distance contrast" or "decreasing the clarity of distance."


- The Reason Why Color Is Getting Far More And More Visible

- How Much Is The Distance Limit For Human Vision?

There are several scientific and optical aspects that can tell why this is happening:

I. Mata Accommodation

When we see a distant object, our eyes will experience a accommodation process, namely adjusting the focus of the lens of the eye.

This process can change how rays are focused on the retinal eye. If the eyes cannot fully accommodate distant objects, this can also affect the perception of color clarity.

II. Work Photoreceptor Cells

Photoreceptor cells in the eyes (cone and stem) have different sensitivity to the intensity of light and the wavelength of light.

When the beam passes a longer distance, the intensity of the beam may decrease, and this can affect the way the eye identifies the color appropriately.

III. Restrictions on Resolution

The human eye has limitations in the spatial resolution. When we look at objects from a distance, we can run out of small details and color nuances, which can produce a more blurred color impression.

IV. Light Spread

When rays pass through the medium like air, small particles in the air can cause beam propagation.

This can reduce contrast and color clarity, especially for motifs that have short waves, such as blue and purple. Therefore, this motif is more prone to decreased distance clarity.

V. Cause of Distance

The further the object is from the eyes, the more rays are obliged to spread and interact with particles in the air before reaching our eyes.

As a result, these rays can be experienced in greater absorption, spread, and monitoring, all of which can reduce clarity and color contrast.

VI. Atmosphere

The quality of the atmosphere also affects which kinds of rays propagate. Air in the atmosphere can have particles, water vapor, and pollution, which can cause bursts and absorption of light.

This impact can make objects that appear more vague and less sharp in terms of color.

VII. Loss of Contrast

Motif mungkin juga tampak lebih kabur pada saat object yang berwarna ditempatkan pada latar yang memiliki warna kontras rendah atau tidak adequate.

This can make the difference between the color of the object and the background unclear, thereby reducing overall clarity.

It is important to note that this decrease in distance clarity is not only related to color, but also to the sharpness and clarity of all object vision.

Not only the above factors, lighting conditions, atmospheric disturbances, and other optical aspects can also influence which kind of color we view as well as objects from a longer distance.

How Much Is The Distance Limit For Human Vision?

The human eye is a very complex organ, playing a role in one of the most important functions, namely the function of sight. If it is not influenced by other factors, the human eye is actually able to see very far away, you know!

From a special point of view, the sharpness of normal vision is 20/20, which means that an object (appears) at a distance of 20 feet (~6 m) from the eyes can still be seen by clear eyes.

If a person has 20/100 vision, it means that the person has a vision that can only clearly see objects at a distance of 20 feet, while most people can clearly see objects at a distance of more than 100 feet (~30 m).

In order to keep your eyes normal, you must also 'Know Normal TV Watching Distances So that your eyes don't get tired quickly'.

So after knowing why the color is getting further and more blurred, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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