YOGYAKARTA Color is one of the most important elements in making brochures. In making it, color must represent a company or institution that makes the media to meet the convenience standards for readers as printed media. Then why is color selection important in making brochures?

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Color has many functions and benefits. That function makes the selection of brochure color very important. The following is a list of color benefits for brochures.

It should be noted that brochures are print-in information media. In a brochure, there will be various information, ranging from product information, promo, profiles, and much more. This information must be presented in an interesting way so that it needs careful color selection. This color selection also directly has an impact on brochure aesthetics.

The more attractive the brochure, the higher the interest of the reader. Therefore, the color must be really interesting in the eyes of the reader.

This benefit is important because the selection of brochures that are boring and chosen as long as they are considered to hurt the eyes. For example, the background of the brochures is yellow while the color of the font is white. Both colors will make the readers' eyes hurt because they make the information presented not so visible.

On the other hand, choosing the right color helps readers to be more comfortable in reading brochures. To get this benefit, designers should know tips for choosing the color of the brochure.

Color also helps highlight certain information on brochures. For example, on the promo page of the media it will be colored with red so that promo information can be more visible. Highlighting information with colors can be accompanied by other supports, for example with a larger font or frame text.

It is undeniable that color can be identity. In a media, the company can choose colors that represent the identity of the brochure owner. For example, companies that focus on the environment will create a plastic waste campaign using green brochures.

Color is also a communication medium delivered visually. For example, a restaurant makes a brochure containing chili menu information. So the color chosen can be red or dark yellow to impress that the available spicy food is really spicy.

How to determine the color for brochures can be done by paying attention to several things, namely as follows.

Those are some of the reasons why color selection is important in making brochures. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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