YOGYAKARTA - Transgenic plants are believed to be a solution for the agricultural world in the future. But you need to know first what the advantages and losses of transgenic plants are. Let's discuss here!

What Are Transgenic Plants?

Transgenic plants are plants that have genes or have been inserted with genes from other organisms, and can also be said as Genetically Modified Organization (geneally modified organization) (Tando&Juradi, 2019).

This gene insertion is usually shown more to food plants to produce food quality that is better than before. Not only that, but the gene also aims to obtain new traits that excel and are coveted, such as resistance to drought, resistance to pests, resistance to herbids.

Transgenic Plant Profits

I. Potential For Other Life Secretary Resistance

Transgenic plants will affect living things that are symbiotic. A kind of Bacterial virus, mushrooms, crust moss and so on, if these other living things live together, it is possible that there will be a transfer of good influence in terms of metabolite secondaries that can create new mutations in these living things.

II. The Risk Of Bt Transgenic Plants Against Soil Ecology

Bt Transgenic will secrete the poison it produces into the ground. The toxine directly or indirectly will affect life, whether macro, meso, or microbiota in the ground. Not only that, the part of the plant that has fallen will penetrate the ground area and affect the life that is inside. Transgenic plants will also release their foreign DNA into the ground.

III. Disease Resistant

Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) gives rise to leaves of several important agricultural plants so they wither and eventually die. The incorporation of the protein encoding gene coat belonging to the TMV virus into plant genome makes plants protected from wilted diseases. Gen Pto in tomatoes makes tomatoes resistant to Psedomonas syringae. Tomatoes carry avrPto genes. Pto gene overexpression in transgenic tomatoes activates widespread rejection reactions and protection (resistance) against several pathogenic bacteria.

IV. Resistant Against Herbisida

The method of making transgenic plants that are herbiside tolerant has been studied on a large scale with 3 different mechanisms: overexpression of target enzymes, modification of target enzymes, detoxification of herbisides.

V. Resistant Againstriks

New varieties of corn, cotton, and tobacco, for example, have used the genes of Bacilus THurungensis bacteria to create protein (Bt protein) which is a special poison for some pest insects, including caterpillars, but is not at risk for animals and humans. Bt protein has long been used as a pesticide. Planting transgenic plants that have the Bt protein pegcode gene reduces the use of chemical pesticides.

Potential Loss Of Transgenic Plants

I. Potentially Attacking Non-target Animals

Ability can be broken down to 2, first direct influence which is the toxic component of non-target organisms that eat living plants or detriviators that eat dead plants. Second, indirect effects on non-target species through the intermediate species.

II. Potentially Causing Cancer

Recent research in America entitled 'Long term toxicity of a Roundup herding and a Roundup-tolerant generally modified maize' reveals the effect of cancer on test mice.

III. Potential Social and Economic Impact

Because large ones that are able to produce and increase transgenic plants will become the main producers, because countries that grow or are not qualified will automatically depend on their situation. In reality, even though the Indonesian state is still debating the use of transgenic plants, the need for basic commodities, the people are urgent to always import transgenic products. In 2010, Indonesia imported more than 50% of soybean needs from America, the notabene soybeans were the result of the creation of genetic engineering.

In addition, there are important things you need to know about Cellular Agriculture Potentially Threatening Small Farmers.

So after knowing the advantages and losses of transgenic plants, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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