The selection of Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) 2024 will be opened in the near future. One of the formations that always receive high interest is the position of the Special Correctional Police (Polsuspas). The requirements for entering the National Police must also be understood for those of you who plan to register for this formation.

Penerimaan Polsuspas dalam CPNS dibuka oleh instansi Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia (Kemenkumham). Formasi ini mencari para pendaftar yang ingin menjadi polisi khusus Lembaga Pemasyarakatan.

While waiting for the opening of this year's CPNS selection, it is better to find out the requirements to register for the Police and the number of formations needed

In addition to the 2024 CPNS news that will soon be opened, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights has yet to convey the registration requirements for the National Police for this year. However, you can refer to the registration requirements that will be opened in 2023.

In the acceptance of the 2023 Polsuspas, registration requirements were issued in the Announcement Number SEK.KP.02.01-633 concerning Procurement of Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2023 Fiscal Year.

The following are details of the entry requirements for Polsuspas which you can use as a reference for preparation for this year's CPNS selection.

Given that there is no official information from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights regarding the number of formations needed, you could have received Polsuspas last year as a reference. However, it is possible that the number of quotas opened could be different, whether it's more or less.

The need for Polsuspas formation in 2023 is stipulated in the Announcement Number SEK.KP.02.01-633 concerning Procurement of Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia for Fiscal Year 2023.

Last year, the formation of prisoners with equivalent SLTA education qualifications was opened with a quota of 1,000 people for 33 regional offices. The following is a breakdown of the quota for admission of Polsuspas in 2023:

Demikianlah informasi syarat masuk Polsuspas sebagai petugas polisi khusus lembaga permasyarakatan atau penjaga pengajar dengan qualifikasi pendidikan SLTA dan sesama. Meski informasi resmi dari Kemenkumham belum disebar, namun Anda bisa menjadi catatan di atas sebagai referensi persiapan mengikuti seleksi CPNS. Baca juga seleksi CPNS 2024 dimundur.

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