JAKARTA In the midst of the increasing trend of couples choosing to marry at a young age, sexual health is often an important aspect that is not getting attention. Recent studies reveal that sexual health plays a crucial role in establishing harmonious and satisfying household relationships.

The current trend shows that many young couples decide to marry and build families earlier than the previous generation. However, ignorance or lack of understanding of sexual health is often a major problem for these couples.

Problems related to sexual health faced by young couples vary, ranging from less effective communication about sexual needs and desires to challenges in maintaining reproductive health.

Many young couples feel awkward or don't know how to openly discuss sexual issues, which can lead to stress and dissatisfaction in relationships.

According to dr. Made Suyasa Jaya, SpOG (K), an Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist, reproductive health plays an important role in the life of a married couple.

"One of the reproductive health problems that are often faced is infertility, namely the condition in which couples cannot obtain offspring even though they have had sexual intercourse regularly for 1-2 years," said dr. Made was quoted by VOI from a media broadcast, Tuesday, July 9.

Infertility is not only a medical problem, but also reflects the low level of public awareness regarding the importance of maintaining reproductive health.

The increase in cases of infertility which has exceeded 10%, especially in developing countries such as Indonesia, shows the need for more effort to improve understanding and handling reproductive health problems in society.

To help improve understanding of sexual health and provide educational entertainment, WeTV Indonesia launched a new series entitled WeTV Original Kawin Hand.

This series raises various issues faced by young couples in their domestic life, including sexual health problems. With a mild but informative approach, WeTV Original Kawin Hand is expected to be a spectacle that is not only entertaining but also provides new insights for the audience.

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