JAKARTA - Uncontrolled blood sugar levels cause various problems in the body. Not only affects metabolism, but can also cause dental problems. Mild mouth problems that can be used as an indication of high blood sugar are dry mouth.
If someone has diabetes, the condition of the body needs to be considered. Because diabetes can cause complications in various body functions, including the mouth. Following are dental and mouth problems caused by high blood sugar levels or often experienced by diabetics.
Gingivitis and periodontitisThe immune system of diabetics often falters and the rate of healing in wounds is slow. When sugar levels increase, plaque buildup on the teeth causes the gums to loosen. This triggers gingivitis and periodontitis in more severe cases.
Poor glycemic control also triggers periodontal disease. This disease is an infection that generally causes inflammation and its severity is influenced by the extent to which blood sugar levels can be controlled.
Tooth decayThe combination of problems between plaque deposition, increased blood sugar, and poor immunity causes bacteria to grow in the mouth and can damage teeth.
Dry mouthThere are two causes of dry mouth, especially experienced by diabetics. The first is a side effect of routine drugs and blood sugar that rises out of control.
SprueNot only caused by a lack of vitamin C, small white wound spots known as canker sores are often experienced by diabetics. This is due to the growth of candida albicans or natural yeast that grows around the mouth.

When the high sugar content in the oral cavity and low saliva content triggers the growth of these natural yeasts. Diabetes takes a very long time in the wound healing process, this problem is well recognized. Well, for canker sores, it also requires a long healing.
Bad breathStill related to the amount of saliva. If saliva as a natural cleanser is limited, the mouth feels drier, and plaque buildup causes the mouth to smell bad.
From the dental and oral problems that are often experienced when high blood sugar is above, it is important to always maintain dental hygiene. For diabetics it is important to maintain oral hygiene.
It is recommended to regularly visit the dentist and mouth. In addition, dentists also need to know about the diabetes condition they are experiencing so that they can carry out dental care according to the procedure.
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