JAKARTA - Boy William tried to respond to the news of Ayu Ting Ting's engagement and her ex-lover, Muhammad Fardhana recently. As someone who was once rumored to be close to Ayu, Boy admitted that he could only wish his best friend.

However, it is undeniable that he felt concerned when he heard the news that Ayu failed to marry Fardhana.

"I was concerned when I heard the news about what happened to Ayu. I wish her the best," said Boy William, quoted by VOI from YouTube STARPRO Indonesia, Thursday, July 4.

Furthermore, he said that after hearing the news, he had tried to ask Ayu Ting Ting about his problem.

Knowing what Ayu Ting Ting is feeling makes Boy not want to ask further questions regarding his friend's love.

"I just asked what happened, my question to him was just as an ordinary friend and not too detailed, not too deep because I understand how Ayu feels," he said.

Boy also explained that he did not want to interfere in the problem of ending Ayu's relationship with Fardhana because he respected Ayu's decision.

"If he says privacy, then privacy should be respected. After all, their issue is not my household either, so who am I to question their privacy," said Boy William.

Previously, Ayu Ting Ting confirmed the growing issue of the news of her engagement with Fardhana. Ayu explained that her relationship had been completed since June 22 and was witnessed by both parties.

"So I informed you that my engagement to Mas Dana had been declared out since June 22 between us and on June 27 yesterday Thursday between parents. Thank God officially," said Ayu Ting Ting in the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta, Monday, July 1.

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