YOGYAKARTA The effect of drinking black coffee without sugar or other types of coffee is indeed quite good for some people, for example, increasing concentration, preventing drowsiness, and so on. However, in some people the effects of these drinks are sometimes felt uncomfortable because the heart is palpitated. When you feel it, of course, you will ask why after drinking coffee your heart is racing and your body is limp?

The condition of the heart rate is getting faster or the condition of the body feels weak, it can indeed be tolerated by some people. However, there are also those who are afraid of this condition. Actually why did that happen?

As is known, coffee is a drink made from broken coffee beans. Coffee itself contains high caffeine. One of the effects of consuming caffeine is an increase in heart rate and the body feels weak.

Reporting from Advent Health, when coffee enters the body, blood will begin to absorb caffeine from the stomach and intestines. The cafe will begin to stimulate your central nervous system. Receptors in heart cells will also be aroused by caffeine so that heart rate increases.

The increase in heart rate due to caffeine is approximately three beats per minute. Even blood flow will also increase. This condition will occur within 15 minutes after the first absorption of coffee. While the effect to be felt may be lost but it will take approximately six hours.

The effect of drinking coffee that goodminton can feel varies in duration. What is clear is that this effect is sometimes quite disturbing. No need to worry because there is a way to eliminate the effects of coffee in the body, which is as follows.

If the effect of coffee is disturbing, drink lots of water immediately to neutralize the caffeine that is absorbed in the body. It should also be noted that caffeine causes dehydration so that the body will have a disturbing response. To reduce it, fill the body's fluid intake by drinking water.

Magnesium helps improve heart health and helps regulate heart rate. In order for the heart rate after drinking coffee to subside slightly, the consumption of bananas is sufficient because the fruit contains magnesium.

valsava maneuvering technique helps restore an increased heart rate due to coffee. Valsava helps add air pressure to the chest and activates a vagal reflex that is useful for regulating heart rhythm. The way to dovalsava maneuver breathing technique is as follows.

It is recommended to limit coffee intake per day because the effect of stopping drinking coffee for a month is quite good for health.

In addition to why after drinking heart coffee palpitations and weakness, visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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